Joel E. Cohen All Academic Publications
PUBLICATIONS Audio-Video Presentations Vita |
Academic Publications by Topic
This list omits some of my academic publications and lists others under more than one heading.
General demography
Book 8, papers 38, 42, 67, 105, 115, 118, 120, 127, 128, 146, 147, 155, 156, 167, 196, 224, 226, 227, 229, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 241, 243, 244, 246, 248, 251, 255, 256, 257, 261, 265, 266, 270, 274, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283, 285, 287, 288, 298, 301, 302, 309, 312, 315, Book 11, 324, 328, 342, 343, 345, 348, 349, 352, 360, 362, 366, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 377, 382, 389, 391, 395, 396, 411, 420, 420a, 421, 423, 423a, 429, 430, 433, 436, 437, 440, 442, 445, 448, 449, 450, 455, 456, 461, 463, 469
Products of random matrices in demography and ecology
Papers 47, 53, 56, 69, 73, 79, 85, 101, 107, 110, 116, 119, 122
Population biology
Book 7, papers 10, 12, 18, 22, 28, 46, 102, 121, 125, 130, 141, 163, 169, 176, 188, 189, 198, 209, 213, 231, 257, 260, 297, 299, 308, 330, 341, 344, 374, 381, 383, 384, 385, 388, 389, 390, 394, 398, 401, 403, 422, 427, 432, 434, 462
Taylor's law of fluctuation scaling
Papers 374, 381, 383, 384, 385, 388, 389, 390, 394, 398, 401, 403, 404, 406, 407, 408, 410, 411, 412, 413, 417, 418, 419, 420, 420a, 421, 422, 424, 425, 426, 429, 430, 431, 434, 439, 440, 441, 443, 446, 447, 448, 452, 453, 456, 457, 458, 459, 466, 467, 468
Food webs
Book 4, book 6, papers 57, 58, 104, 109, 111, 123, 124, 132, 133, 145, 145a, 154, 157, 159, 160, 166, 168, 170, 171, 178, 181, 186, 187, 190, 191, 203, 204, 214, 219, 221, 222, 223, 225, 230, 242, 258, 281, 289, 292, 295, 307, 311, 313, 316, 319, 320, 321, 326, 329, 336, 350, 351, 358, 363, 372, 393, 414, 428
Community ecology (other than food webs)
Book 2, papers 14, 20, 116, 179, 182, 206, 207, 212, 217, 218, 228, 238, 245, 246, 247, 249, 263, 275, 277, 284, 286, 289, 292, 295, 310, 325, 346, 361, 364, 375, 378, 422, 432, 434, 443
Social behavior and population dynamics of non-human primates
Book 3, papers 15, 18, 27, 28, 29, 41, 199
Epidemiology of infectious diseases
Papers 30, 31, 35, 36, 40, 49, 55, 74, 78, 83, 87, 113, 142, 155, 162, 200, 236, 239, 240, 254, 259, 262, 264, 267, 268, 271, 272, 294, 305, 306, 323, 332, 334, 338, 353, 359, 392, 397, 399,438, 426, 427, 458
Developmental and molecular biology
Papers 39, 50, 54, 65, 68, 70, 80, 84, 86
Matrix theory
Book 5, book 9, papers 4, 7, 61, 76, 77, 82, 85, 90, 93, 99, 100, 112, 117, 131, 140, 148, 158, 161, 165, 192, 205, 210, 211, 215, 387, 400, 444
Statistical methods
Papers 13, 25, 32, 33, 51, 60, 64, 82, 276, 406, 435, 447, 451, 453, 454, 456, 457, 458
Sociology of science
Papers 81, 92, 108, 136, 164, 174a, 317, 327, 339, 354, 376, 409
Mathematics (other than matrix theory and statistical methods)
Papers 2, 66, 94, 95, 129, 131, 135, 143, 149, 150, 172, 175, 178, 183, 184, 185, 195, 201, 202, 208, 216, 220, 225, 250, 252, 263, 314, 317, 318, 380, 386, 394, 405, 415, 424, 425, 459, 460, 464, 465, 467
Book 1, papers 1, 3, 6
Book 1, papers 8, 9, 17, 22, 153
Earth sciences
Papers 266, 283, 285, 286, 296, 308, 312, 412, 416, 441
Book 12, book 13, papers 290, 293, 300, 303, 322, 331, 333, 335, 340, 347, 356, 357, 371, 402
Academic Books
1 |
1966 |
Translation from the French of Abraham Moles' Information Theory and Esthetic Perception. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 217pp. |
2 |
1967 |
A Model of Simple Competition. Annals of the Computation Laboratory 41. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 138 pp. |
3 |
1971 |
Casual Groups of Monkeys and Men: Stochastic Models of Elemental Social Systems. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 175 pp. |
4 |
1978 |
Food Webs and Niche Space. Monographs in Population Biology 11. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 190 pp. |
5 |
1986 |
(J. E. Cohen, Harry Kesten & Charles M. Newman, editors) Random Matrices and Their Applications. Contemporary Mathematics 50. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. 358 pp. |
6 |
1990 |
(J. E. Cohen, Frédéric Briand & Charles M. Newman) Community Food Webs: Data and Theory. Biomathematics 20. Heidelberg & New York: Springer-Verlag. 308 pp. |
7 |
1993 |
(Hiroya Kawanabe, J. E. Cohen & Keiji Iwasaki, editors) Mutualism and Community Organization: Behavioural, Theoretical, and Food-Web Approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 426 pp. |
8 |
1995 |
How Many People Can the Earth Support? New York: W. W. Norton. 532 pp |
9 |
1998 |
(J. E. Cohen, J. H. B. Kemperman & Gh. Zbaganu) Comparisons of Stochastic Matrices, with Applications in Information Theory, Statistics, Economics and Population Sciences. Boston, Basel & Berlin: Birkhäuser. 158 pp. |
10 |
1999 |
(J. E. Cohen & Nina V. Fedoroff, editors) Colloquium on Plants and Population: Is There Time? Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 145 pp. |
11 |
2004 |
(Eric Stallard, Kenneth G. Manton, J. E. Cohen)Forecasting Product Liability Claims: Epidemiology and Modeling in the Manville Asbestos Case. New York, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. xxx+394 pp. ISBN: 0-387-94987-9. |
12 |
2006 |
(J. E. Cohen, David E. Bloom, Martin Malin, eds.) Educating All Children: A Global Agenda. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. |
13 |
2009 |
(J. E. Cohen, Martin Malin, eds.) International Perspectives on the Goals of Universal Basic and Secondary Education. 307 pp. Routledge, New York, London. ISBN: 978-0-415-99766-9. |
Nonacademic Book
1992 |
(Betsy Devine and J. E. Cohen) Absolute Zero Gravity: Science Jokes, Quotes and Anecdotes. New York: Simon and Schuster. 162 pp. |
Academic Papers
R = research E = expository A = abstract B = book review
E |
1 |
1961 |
Some relationships between music and mathematics. Music Educators Journal 48(1):104-109, September-October. |
R |
2 |
1961 |
Groups as machines. Mathematics Student Journal 9(1):5-6, November. |
R |
3 |
1962 |
Information theory and music. Behavioral Science 7(2):137-163, April. |
R |
4 |
1962 |
Further properties of third order determinants. Mathematics Magazine 35(5):304, November. |
R |
5 |
1963 |
The Dred Scott decision: background and implications. Negro History Bulletin 27(4):145-155, January. |
E |
6 |
1963 |
The critic at Harvard: ideals in college music criticism. Music Educators Journal 49(5):119-120, April-May. |
R |
7 |
1964 |
Twisted determinants that sum to zero. Mathematics Magazine 37(4):267-269, September. |
R |
3a |
1964 |
Teorie informaci a hudba. In: Nové cesty hudby, pp. 180-215. Czech translation by Jan Rychlik. Prague: Dilia. |
R |
8 |
1965 |
Diurnal cycles and maze learning in planarians. Worm Runner's Digest 7(1):20-24, April. |
E |
9 |
1965 |
Love in a test tube. In: "The New Psychology," Harvard Review 3(2):49-56, spring. |
A |
10 |
1966 |
(G. B. Schaller, J. J. Spillett, J. E. Cohen & R. C. De) The status of the large mammals in the Keoladeo Ghana Sanctuary, Rajasthan. International Union for the Conservation of Nature Bulletin N. S. 20:7, July-September. |
E |
11 |
1967 |
Around the world in data ways. Harvard Alumni Bulletin 11 February, pp. 16-32. |
R |
12 |
1967 |
(J. J. Spillett, J. E. Cohen & R. C. De) The large mammals of the Keoladeo Ghana Sanctuary, Rajasthan. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 63(3):602-607. |
R |
13 |
1968 |
On estimating the equilibrium and transition probabilities of a finite-state Markov chain from the same data. Biometrics 24(1):185-187, March. |
R |
14 |
1968 |
Alternate derivations of a species-abundance relation. American Naturalist 102:165-172, March-April. |
R |
14.1 |
1968 |
Interval graphs and food webs: a finding and a problem. RAND Document 17696-PR, 30 August 1968. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA. |
A |
15 |
1969 |
Grouping in a vervet monkey troop. Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Primatology, Behavior ed. C. R. Carpenter, 1:274-278. Basel: S. Karger. |
A |
16 |
1969 |
Animal aggregations revisited. Biometrics 25(1):191, March. |
E |
17 |
1969 |
Contributions to section, "Mr. Joel Cohen's Visit," pp. 188-192 in: D. C. McClelland & D. G. Winter, Motivating Economic Achievement: Accelerating Economic Development through Psychological Training. New York: Free Press. |
R |
18 |
1969 |
Natural primate troops and a stochastic population model. American Naturalist 103:455-477, September-October. 104:218, March-April. |
E |
19 |
1970 |
Men, models, and mathematics. Harvard Bulletin 72(11):19-23. |
R |
20 |
1970 |
A Markov contingency-table model for replicated Lotka-Volterra systems near equilibrium. American Naturalist 104:547-560, November-December. |
B |
21 |
1970 |
Book review: Introduction to Mathematical Ecology by E. Pielou. American Scientist 58:699, November-December. |
R |
22 |
1971 |
Legal abortions, socioeconomic status, and measured intelligence in the United States. Social Biology 18:55-63, March. |
B |
23 |
1971 |
Book review: Game Theory in the Behavioral Sciences ed. I. Buchler & H. Nutini. Quarterly Review of Biology 46(1):98-99, March. |
B |
24 |
1971 |
Mathematics as metaphor. Book review: Dynamical System Theory in Biology by R. Rosen. Science 172:674-675, 14 May. |
R |
25 |
1971 |
Estimation and interaction in a censored 2 x 2 x 2 contingency table. Biometrics 27:379-386, June; 28:1141, December 1972. |
B |
26 |
1971 |
Book review: Mathematical Sciences and Social Sciences ed. W. Kruskal. American Scientist 59(4):500-501. |
R |
27 |
1971 |
Social grouping and troop size in yellow baboons. Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Primatology 3:58-64. Basel: S. Karger. |
R |
28 |
1972 |
Markov population processes as models of primate social and population dynamics. Theoretical Population Biology 3(2):119-134, June. |
R |
29 |
1972 |
Aping monkeys with mathematics. In: Functional and Evolutionary Biology of the Primates ed. R. H. Tuttle, pp. 415-436. Chicago: Aldine-Atherton. |
R |
30 |
1972 |
When does a leaky compartment model appear to have no leaks? Theoretical Population Biology 3(4):404-405, December. |
R |
31 |
1973 |
Selective host mortality in a catalytic model applied to schistosomiasis. American Naturalist 107:199-212, March-April. |
E |
32 |
1973 |
Turning the tables. In: Statistics by Example: Exploring Data ed. F. Mosteller et al., pp. 87-90. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley. |
E |
33 |
1973 |
Independence of amoebas. In: Statistics by Example: Weighing Chances ed. F. Mosteller et al., pp. 71-74. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley. |
E |
34 |
1973 |
Mathematics and myth. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics News 6(3):2-3, June. |
R |
35 |
1973 |
Heterologous immunity in human malaria. Quarterly Review of Biology 48(3):467-489, September. |
R |
36 |
1974 |
Some potential economic benefits of eliminating mortality due to schistosomiasis in Zanzibar. Social Science and Medicine 8:383-398. |
B |
37 |
1974 |
Book review: Mathematical Models of Conception and Birth by M. C. Sheps & J. A. Menken. Journal of the American Statistical Association 69:1046-1047, December. |
R |
38 |
1975 |
Childhood mortality, family size and birth order in pre-industrial Europe. Demography 12(1):35-55, February. |
R |
39 |
1975 |
(J. E. Cohen & H. K. MacWilliams) The control of foot formation in transplantation experiments with Hydra viridis. Journal of Theoretical Biology 50:87-105, January. |
R |
40 |
1975 |
(R. F. Sturrock, J. E. Cohen & G. Webbe) Catalytic curve analysis of schistosomiasis in snails. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 69:133-134. |
R |
41 |
1975 |
The size and demographic composition of social groups of wild orangutans. Animal Behaviour 23(3):543-550, August. |
R |
42 |
1975 |
Livelihood benefits of small improvements in the life table. Health Services Research 82-96, spring. |
A |
43 |
1975 |
An ergodic theorem for the age structure of large populations in Markovian environments. Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie, Tagungsbericht 23, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, June. |
A |
44 |
1975 |
Stochastic ergodicity of population age structure. Advances in Applied Probability 7(3):466-467, September. |
B |
45 |
1975 |
Book review: The Genetical Structure of Populations by K. Mather. Quarterly Review of Biology 50(4):454, December. |
E |
46 |
1976 |
Irreproducible results and the breeding of pigs; or nondegenerate limit random variables in biology. BioScience 26(6):391-394, June. |
R |
47 |
1976 |
Ergodicity of age structure in populations with Markovian vital rates, I: Countable states. Journal of the American Statistical Association 71(354):335-339, June. |
B |
48 |
1976 |
Book review: Ecological Diversity by E. C. Pielou. American Scientist 64(3):339, May-June. |
E |
49 |
1976 |
Schistosomiasis — a human host-parasite system. Chap. 13 in: Theoretical Ecology: Principles and Applications ed. R. M. May, pp. 237-256. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific; Philadelphia: Saunders. |
R |
50 |
1976 |
(Peter D'Eustachio, J. E. Cohen & Gerald M. Edelman) Variation and control of specific antigen-binding cell populations in individual fetal mice. Journal of Experimental Medicine 144:259-265, July. |
R |
51 |
1976 |
The distribution of the chi-squared statistic under clustered sampling from contingency tables. Journal of the American Statistical Association 71(355):665-670, September. |
B |
52 |
1977 |
Is a primate like a rose? Book review: Proceedings from the Symposia of the Fifth Congress of the International Primatological Society ed. S. Kondo, M. Kawai, A. Ehara, S. Kawamura. Contemporary Psychology 22(4):269-270. |
R |
53 |
1977 |
Ergodicity of age structure in populations with Markovian vital rates, II: General states. Advances in Applied Probability 9:18-37, March. |
R |
54 |
1977 |
(J. E. Cohen, Peter D'Eustachio & Gerald M. Edelman) The specific antigen-binding cell populations of individual fetal mouse spleens: repertoire composition, size and genetic control. Journal of Experimental Medicine 146:394-411, August. |
E |
55 |
1977 |
Mathematical models of schistosomiasis. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 8:209-233. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews. |
R |
56 |
1977 |
Ergodicity of age structure in populations with Markovian vital rates, III: Finite-state moments and growth rates; illustration. Advances in Applied Probability 9:462-475, September. |
R |
57 |
1977 |
Food webs and the dimensionality of trophic niche space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 74(10):4533-4536, October. |
R |
58 |
1977 |
Ratio of prey to predators in community food webs. Nature 270:165-167, 10 November. |
B |
59 |
1978 |
Book review: Applied Mathematical Demography by Nathan Keyfitz. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics News 11(1):5-8, February. |
R |
60 |
1978 |
A Markov chain with a given stationary distribution. American Statistician 32(1):39, February. |
R |
61 |
1978 |
Derivatives of the spectral radius as a function of nonnegative matrix elements. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 83(2):183-190, March-April. |
B |
62 |
1978 |
Book review: Regulation of Parasite Populations ed. Gerald W. Esch. Quarterly Review of Biology 53(1):77, March. |
B |
63 |
1978 |
Book review: Ecosystem Modeling in Theory and Practice ed. Charles A. S. Hall & John W. Day, Jr. American Scientist 66(4):500, July. |
R |
64 |
1978 |
(J. E. Cohen & Peter D'Eustachio) An affine linear model for the relation between two sets of frequency counts. Biometrics 34:514-516, September. |
R |
65 |
1978 |
(Barbara R. Jasny, J. E. Cohen & Igor Tamm) The organization of DNA replication in a mammalian cell line. In: DNA Synthesis: Present and Future. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on DNA Synthesis ed. I. Molineaux & M. Kohiyama, pp. 175-188. New York: Plenum. |
R |
66 |
1979 |
(J. E. Cohen, János Komlós & Thomas Mueller) The probability of an interval graph, and why it matters. In: Relations between Combinatorics and Other Parts of Mathematics ed. D. K. Ray-Chaudhuri, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 34:97-115. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. |
R |
67 |
1979 |
The cumulative distance from an observed to a stable age structure. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal of Applied Mathematics 36(1):169-175, February. |
R |
68 |
1979 |
(J. E. Cohen, Barbara R. Jasny & Igor Tamm) The spatial distribution of initiation sites for mammalian DNA replication: a statistical analysis. Journal of Molecular Biology 128:219-245, 25 February. |
R |
69 |
1979 |
Long-run growth rates of discrete multiplicative processes in Markovian environments. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 69:243-251. |
E |
70 |
1979 |
(Peter D'Eustachio, J. E. Cohen & Gerald M. Edelman) The ontogeny of antigen-binding cells. In: Developmental Immunobiology; Proceedings of the Fifth Irwin Strasburger Memorial Seminar on Immunology ed. G. W. Siskind, S. D. Litwin & M. E. Weksler, pp. 133-158. New York: Grune & Stratton. |
A |
71 |
1979 |
Ergodic theorems of population dynamics. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 9(1):27, Winter. |
A |
72 |
1979 |
Graph theoretic models of food webs. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 9(1):29-30, Winter. |
E |
73 |
1979 |
Ergodic theorems of demography. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society N.S. 1(2):275-295, March. |
E |
74 |
1979 |
Malaria, a moving target. New York Times Op-Ed page 21, July 1. |
B |
75 |
1979 |
Book review: Time and Man by L. R. B. Elton & H. Messel. BioScience 29(9):545, September. |
R |
76 |
1979 |
Random evolutions and spectral radius of a non-negative matrix. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 86(2):345-350, September. |
R |
77 |
1979 |
Contractive inhomogeneous products of non-negative matrices. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 86(2):351-364, September. |
R |
78 |
1979 |
(J. E. Cohen & Burton Singer) Malaria in Nigeria: constrained continuous-time Markov models for discrete time longitudinal data on human mixed-species infections. In: Some Mathematical Questions in Biology ed. Simon A. Levin, 12:69-133. Providence: American Mathematical Society. |
R |
79 |
1979 |
Comparative statics and stochastic dynamics of age-structured populations. Theoretical Population Biology 16(2):159-171, October. |
R |
80 |
1979 |
(Igor Tamm, Barbara R. Jasny & J. E. Cohen) Initiation sites for replication of mammalian cell DNA. In: Specific Eukaryotic Genes ed. J. Engberg, H. Klenow & V. Leick, Alfred Benzon Symposium 13:221-226. Amsterdam: Munskgaard. |
R |
81 |
1980 |
Publication rate as a function of laboratory size in a biomedical research institution. Scientometrics 2(1):35-52. |
R |
82 |
1979 |
Random evolutions in discrete and continuous time. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 9:245-251. |
R |
83 |
1980 |
(Burton Singer & J. E. Cohen) Estimating malaria incidence and recovery rates from panel surveys. Mathematical Biosciences 49:273-305; 1982, 62:151-152. |
R |
84 |
1980 |
(Steve Sommer & J. E. Cohen) The size distribution of proteins, mRNA, and nuclear RNA. Journal of Molecular Evolution 15:37-57. |
R |
85 |
1980 |
Convexity properties of products of random non-negative matrices. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 77(7):3749-3752, July. |
R |
86 |
1980 |
(Barbara R. Jasny, J. E. Cohen & I. Tamm) Effects of reovirus infection on the spatial and temporal organization of DNA replication in L cells. Chromosoma 79:207-214. |
R |
87 |
1980 |
(Louis Molineaux, John Storey, J. E. Cohen & Anthony Thomas) A longitudinal study of human malaria in the West African savanna in the absence of control measures: relationships between different Plasmodium species, in particular P. falciparum and P. malariae. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 29(5):725-737, September. |
E |
32a |
1980 |
Japanese translation by Masayasu Murakami et al., pp. 91-95. Tokyo: Baifukan. |
E |
33a |
1980 |
Japanese translation by Masayasu Murakami et al., pp. 191-195. Tokyo: Baifukan. |
E |
49a |
1980 |
Schistosomiasis: Ein Parasit-Wirt-System des Menschen. German translation by Odwin Hoffrichter & Klaus Peter Sauer. Chap. 13 in Theoretische Oekologie ed. R. M. May, pp. 213-230. Weinheim, Germany: Verlag Chemie. |
E |
49b |
1980 |
Chinese translation, pp. 238-259. Beijing, China: Academica Press. |
B |
88 |
1980 |
Book review: Population Dynamics: Alternative Models by B. G. Murray. American Scientist 68:694, November-December. |
B |
89 |
1980 |
Book review: Compartmental Analysis of Ecosystem Models ed. J. H. Matis, B. C. Patten & G. C. White. Quarterly Review of Biology 55(4):453-454, December. |
R |
90 |
1981 |
Convexity of the dominant eigenvalue of an essentially non-negative matrix. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 81(4):657-658, April. |
B |
91 |
1981 |
Book review: Reversibility and Stochastic Networks by F. P. Kelly. Technometrics 23(2):206-207, May. |
R |
92 |
1981 |
Publication rate as a function of laboratory size in three biomedical research institutions. Scientometrics 3(6):467-487, November. |
R |
93 |
1981 |
A geometric representation of a stochastic matrix: theorem and conjecture. Annals of Probability 9(5):899-901, October. |
A |
94 |
1981 |
Some trees are not interval graphs. (Letter to the Editor) Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 43(6):717. |
R |
95 |
1982 |
The asymptotic probability that a random graph is a unit interval graph, indifference graph, or proper interval graph. Discrete Mathematics 40(1):21-24, June. |
A |
96 |
1982 |
The invariant distribution of Markovian products of random matrices. Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin 11(4):185, May. |
A |
97 |
1982 |
Eigenvalue inequalities for random evolutions. Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin 11(4):193, May. |
B |
98 |
1982 |
Book review: Geometry of Biological Time by A. T. Winfree. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 7(1):280-283, July. |
R |
99 |
1982 |
(J. E. Cohen, S. Friedland, T. Kato & F. P. Kelly) Eigenvalue inequalities for products of matrix exponentials. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 45:55-95, June. Reprinted by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, as Research Report RR-83-23. |
R |
100 |
1982 |
(J. E. Cohen & Peter H. Sellers) Sets of non-negative matrices with positive inhomogeneous products. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 47:185-192. |
R |
101 |
1982 |
Multiregional age-structured populations with changing rates: weak and stochastic ergodic theorems. In: Multidimensional Mathematical Demography ed. K. C. Land & A. Rogers, pp. 47-503. New York: Academic. |
E |
102 |
1983 |
How is the past related to the future? Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Annual Report 1982, pp. 59-71. Stanford, CA: Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. |
A |
103 |
1983 |
(J. E. Cohen & Charles M. Newman) The stability of large random systems. Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin 12(4):184-27, July. |
R |
104 |
1983 |
Recent progress and problems in food web theory. In: Current Trends in Food Web Theory ed. D. L. DeAngelis, W. M. Post & G. Sugihara. ORNL-5983:17-24. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. |
E |
105 |
1984 |
Demographic doomsday deferred. Harvard Magazine 86(3):50-51, January-February. |
B |
106 |
1983 |
Book review: Finite Markov Processes and Their Applications by M. Iosifescu. Mathematical Biosciences 64:299-301. |
R |
107 |
1983 |
(J. E. Cohen, S. W. Christensen & C. P. Goodyear) A stochastic age-structured population model of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Potomac River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40:2170-2183, December. |
R |
108 |
1984 |
Statistical theory aids inference in scientometrics. Scientometrics 6(1):27-32, January. |
R |
109 |
1984 |
(Frédéric Briand & J. E. Cohen) Community food webs have scale-invariant structure. Nature 307:264-266, January. |
R |
110 |
1984 |
(J. E. Cohen & Charles M. Newman) The stability of large random matrices and their products. Annals of Probability 12(2):283-310, May. |
R |
111 |
1984 |
(J. E. Cohen & Frédéric Briand) Trophic links of community food webs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 81:4105-4109, July. |
R |
112 |
1984 |
Eigenvalue inequalities for random evolutions: origins and open problems. In: Inequalities in Statistics and Probability ed. Y. L. Tong, Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes--Monograph Series 5:41-53. |
B |
113 |
1984 |
Book review: Biomathematics of Malaria by Norman T. J. Bailey. Statistics in Medicine 3(1):93-95, January-March. |
B |
114 |
1984 |
Book review: Population and Development: Challenges and Prospects ed. P. M. Hauser. American Journal of Sociology 90(2):472-474, September. |
E |
115 |
1984 |
Demography and morbidity: a survey of some interactions. In: Population and Biology ed. Nathan Keyfitz, pp. 199-221. Liege, Belgium: Ordina Editions. |
A |
116 |
1985 |
(J. E. Cohen & C. M. Newman) When will a large complex system be stable? Journal of Theoretical Biology 113:153-156, March 7. |
R |
117 |
1985 |
(J. E. Cohen & S. Friedland) The game-theoretic value and the spectral radius of a nonnegative matrix. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 93(2):205-211. |
E |
118 |
1985 |
Ergodicity. Markov chain models. Transition matrix. Entries on pp. 72, 135-136, 223 in: Roland Pressat, Dictionary of Demography ed. Christopher Wilson. 304 pp. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. |
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119 |
1985 |
(C. P. Goodyear, J. E. Cohen & S. W. Christensen) Maryland striped bass: recruitment declining below replacement. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 114(1):146-151. |
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120 |
1985 |
Mathematical demography: recent developments in population projections. Proceedings of the 20th General Congress of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Populations, Florence, June, 1985. Paper 22.1, pp. 179-189. |
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121 |
1985 |
Can fitness be aggregated? American Naturalist 125(5):716-729. |
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122 |
1985 |
(C. C. Heyde & J. E. Cohen) Confidence intervals for demographic projections based on products of random matrices. Theoretical Population Biology 27(2):120-153, April. |
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123 |
1985 |
(J. E. Cohen & Charles M. Newman) A stochastic theory of community food webs: I. Models and aggregated data. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) series B 224:421-448. |
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124 |
1985 |
(J. E. Cohen, Charles M. Newman & Frédéric Briand) A stochastic theory of community food webs: II. Individual webs. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) series B 224:449-461. |
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125 |
1985 |
(Charles M. Newman, J. E. Cohen & Claude Kipnis) Neo-Darwinian evolution implies punctuated equilibria. Nature 315(6018):400-401, May. |
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126 |
1985 |
Measuring the uncertainty of population forecasts: a comparison of two approaches. Advances in Applied Probability 17:246-247. |
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127 |
1986 |
An uncertainty principle in demography with application to the unisex issue. American Statistician 40(1):32-39, February. |
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128 |
1986 |
Population forecasts and confidence intervals for Sweden: a comparison of model-based and empirical approaches. Demography 23(1):105-126, February; 25(2):315, May 1988. |
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129 |
1986 |
Connectivity of finite anisotropic random graphs and directed graphs. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 99(2):315-330, March. |
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130 |
1986 |
(Robert A. Desharnais & J. E. Cohen) Life not lived due to disequilibrium in heterogeneous age-structured populations. Theoretical Population Biology 29(3):385-406, June. |
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131 |
1986 |
Perturbation theory of completely mixed matrix games. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 79:153-162. |
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132 |
1986 |
(J. E. Cohen, Frédéric Briand & Charles M. Newman) A stochastic theory of community food webs: III. Predicted and observed lengths of food chains. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) series B 228:317-353. |
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133 |
1986 |
(Charles M. Newman & J. E. Cohen) A stochastic theory of community food webs: IV. Theory of food chain lengths in large webs. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) series B 228:355-377. |
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134 |
1986 |
Use of the common denominator: Reviews of IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology and Communications in Statistics - Stochastic Models. Nature 323:375, 25 September. |
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135 |
1986 |
(J. E. Cohen, John Hajnal & Charles M. Newman) Approaching consensus can be delicate when positions harden. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 22:315-322. |
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136 |
1986 |
A life of the immeasurable mind. Book review: Enigmas of Chance by Mark Kac. Annals of Probability 14(4):1139-1148. |
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137 |
1987 |
Old diseases in New World. Book review: Ecological Imperialism The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900 by Alfred W. Crosby. Wall Street Journal 209(13):32, 20 January. |
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138 |
1987 |
The dangers of abstraction. Book review: Descartes' Dream: The World According to Mathematics by Philip Davis & Reuben Hersh. Wall Street Journal 209(74):29, 16 April. |
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139 |
1987 |
Food webs: random graphs are useful in ecology! Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin 16(3):109, Abstract 200-16, April. |
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140 |
1987 |
(J. E. Cohen & Roger D. Nussbaum) Arithmetic-geometric means of positive matrices. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 101(2):209-219, March. |
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141 |
1987 |
(Laifu Liu & J. E. Cohen) Equilibrium and local stability in a logistic matrix model for age-structured populations. Journal of Mathematical Biology 25(1):73-88. |
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142 |
1987 |
Sexual behavior and randomized responses. (Letter) Science 236:1503, 19 June. |
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143 |
1987 |
The sensitivity of expected spanning trees in anisotropic random graphs.Annals of Discrete Mathematics 33:9-16. |
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144 |
1987 |
Making democratic babies. Book review: The Birth Dearth by Ben J. Wattenberg. Wall Street Journal p. 22, 6 August. |
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145 |
1987 |
(Frédéric Briand & J. E. Cohen) Environmental correlates of food chain length. Science 238(4829):956-960, 13 November. |
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146 |
1987 |
Stochastic demography. In: Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences ed. S. Kotz & N. L. Johnson, 8:789-801. New York: John Wiley. |
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147 |
1987 |
Lotka, Alfred James. In: The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economic Theory and Doctrine ed. J. Eatwell, M. Milgate, P. Newman, 3:245-247. London: Macmillan; New York: Stockton Press. |
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148 |
1988 |
Subadditivity, generalized products of random matrices and operations research. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Review 30(1):69-86, March. |
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149 |
1988 |
Threshold phenomena in random structures. Discrete Applied Mathematics 19:113-128, March. Reprinted in: Applications of Graphs in Chemistry and Physics ed. J. W. Kennedy & L. V. Quintas, pp. 113-128. Amsterdam: North-Holland. |
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150 |
1988 |
(F. R. K. Chung, J. E. Cohen & Ronald L. Graham) Pursuit-evasion games on graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 12(2):159-167, May. |
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151 |
1988 |
Renaissance number crunching for profit. Book review: Capitalism and Arithmetic: The New Math of the 15th Century by Frank J. Swetz. Wall Street Journal, p. 32, 14 September. |
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152 |
1988 |
Food webs, ecological communities, and random graphs. In: Mathematical Biology: Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomathematics ed. Chen Lansun, G. P. Patil, You Zhaoyong, Li Dianmo, Ma Zhien. p. 8. Xi'an, China: Xi'an Jiaotong University Press. |
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153 |
1988 |
The counterintuitive in conflict and cooperation. American Scientist 76:576-583, November-December. |
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154 |
1988 |
(J. E. Cohen & Charles M. Newman) Dynamic basis of food web organization. Ecology 69(6):1655-1664, December. |
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155 |
1988 |
Estimating the effect of successful malaria control programs on mortality.Population Bulletin of the United Nations ST/ESA/SER.N/25:6-26. |
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156 |
1988 |
(J. E. Cohen, Victor R. Fuchs, Paul A. Samuelson & Michael S. Teitelbaum) Correspondence regarding J. E. Cohen's "Making democratic babies" (item 144 above). Population and Environment 10(1):59-72, Fall. |
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157 |
1988 |
Untangling "an entangled bank": recent facts and theories about food webs. In: Community Ecology ed. Alan Hastings. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 77:72-91. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. |
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158 |
1988 |
Spectral inequalities for matrix exponentials. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 111:25-28, December. |
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145a |
1989 |
(Frédéric Briand & J. E. Cohen) Habitat compartmentation and environmental correlates of food chain length: reply to J. C. Moore, D. E. Walter & H. W. Hunt. Science 243:239-240, 13 January. |
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159 |
1989 |
Big fish, little fish: finding patterns in predator-prey relationships. The Sciences (New York Academy of Sciences) 29(2):37-42, March-April. |
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160 |
1989 |
Food webs and community structure. In: Perspectives on Ecological Theory ed. Jonathan Roughgarden, Robert M. May, Simon A. Levin, pp. 181-202. Princeton: Princeton University Press. |
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161 |
1989 |
(J. E. Cohen, Ezio Marchi & Jorge A. Oviedo) Perturbation theory of completely mixed bimatrix games. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 114/115:169-180, March. |
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162 |
1989 |
Statistical concepts relevant to AIDS. In: Symposium on Statistics in Science, Industry, and Public Policy ed. National Research Council, Board on Mathematical Sciences, pp. 43-51. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. |
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163 |
1989 |
(J. E. Cohen & Charles M. Newman) Host-parasite relations and random zero-sum games: the stabilizing effect of strategy diversification. American Naturalist 133:533-552, April. |
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164 |
1989 |
Book review: Science and Technology Advice to the President, Congress, and Judiciary ed. William T. Golden. American Scholar 58(3):471-474. |
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165 |
1988 |
(Roger D. Nussbaum & J. E. Cohen) The arithmetic-geometric mean and its generalizations for noncommuting linear operators. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche Ser. IV, 15(2):239-308. |
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166 |
1989 |
Ecology: just proportions in food webs. Nature 341:104-105, 14 September. |
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167 |
1989 |
Comment on "The World Fertility Survey: an appraisal of methodology." Journal of the American Statistical Association 84(407):772-774, September. |
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168 |
1990 |
A stochastic model of community food webs: VI. Heterogeneous alternatives to the cascade model.Theoretical Population Biology 37(1):55-90, February. |
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169 |
1990 |
DNA fingerprinting for forensic identification: potential effects on data interpretation of subpopulation heterogeneity and band number variability.American Journal of Human Genetics 46(2):358-368, February. |
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170 |
1990 |
(J. E. Cohen & Zbigniew J. Palka) A stochastic theory of community food webs: V. Intervality and triangularity in the trophic niche overlap graph. American Naturalist 135(3):435-463, March. |
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171 |
1990 |
(J. E. Cohen, T. Luczak, C. M. Newman & Z.-M. Zhou) Stochastic structure and non-linear dynamics of food webs: qualitative stability in a Lotka-Volterra cascade model. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) series B 240(1299):607-627, 22 June. |
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172 |
1990 |
(Roger D. Nussbaum & J. E. Cohen) Convexity properties of the arithmetic-geometric mean and its generalizations. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 11(1-2):33-44. |
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173 |
1990 |
Book review: Population System Control by Song Jian & Yu Jingyuan. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Review 32(3):494-500, September. |
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174 |
1990 |
Grösse, Alter und Produktivität wissenschaftlicher und technischer Forschungsgruppen. In: Generationsdynamik und Innovation in der Grundlagenforschung, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Berichte und Mitteilungen Heft 3/90, ed. P. H. Hofschneider, K.-U. Mayer, trans. U. Opolka, pp. 139-163. München. |
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174a |
1991 |
Size, age and productivity of scientific and technical research groups.Scientometrics 20(3):395-416. |
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175 |
1990 |
(J. E. Cohen & Frank P. Kelly) A paradox of congestion in a queuing network. Journal of Applied Probability 27:730-734, September. |
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176 |
1990 |
DNA fingerprinting: what (really) are the odds?Chance: New Directions for Statistics and Computing 3(3):26-32, summer. |
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177 |
1991 |
The physics of chicken fat. Book review: Life's Devices: The Physical World of Animals and Plants by Steven Vogel. American Scholar 60(1):153-154, winter. |
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178 |
1991 |
Möbius inversion of random acyclic directed graphs.Studies in Applied Mathematics 84:1-6. |
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179 |
1991 |
(Hal Caswell & J. E. Cohen) Disturbance, interspecific interaction and diversity in metapopulations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 42:193-218. |
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179a |
1991 |
(Hal Caswell & J. E. Cohen) Disturbance, interspecific interaction and diversity in metapopulations. Reprinted in: Metapopulation Dynamics: Empirical and Theoretical Investigations ed. Michael E. Gilpin & Ilkka Hanski, pp. 193-218. New York: Academic Press. |
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180 |
1991 |
Thinking otherwise. Book review: The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics by Roger Penrose. American Scholar 60(2):300-302, spring. |
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181 |
1991 |
(Stuart L. Pimm, John H. Lawton & J. E. Cohen) Food web patterns and their consequences. Nature 350:669-674, 25 April. |
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182 |
1991 |
(Hal Caswell & J. E. Cohen) Communities in patchy environments: a model of disturbance, competition and heterogeneity. In: Ecological Heterogeneity ed. Jurek Kolasa & Steward T. A. Pickett, pp. 97-122. New York, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. |
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183 |
1991 |
(T. Luczak & J. E. Cohen) Stability of vertices in random Boolean cellular automata. Random Structures and Algorithms 2(3):327-334. |
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184 |
1991 |
(Ezio Marchi, Jorge A. Oviedo & J. E. Cohen) Perturbation theory of a nonlinear game of von Neumann. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 12(3):592-596, July. |
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185 |
1991 |
(J. E. Cohen & Paul Horowitz) Paradoxical behaviour of mechanical and electrical networks. Nature 352:699-701, 22 August. |
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186 |
1991 |
(Kenneth Schoenly & J. E. Cohen) Temporal variation in food web structure: 16 empirical cases. Ecological Monographs 61(3):267-298. |
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187 |
1991 |
Food webs as a focus for unifying ecological theory. Ecology International (International Association for Ecology Bulletin) 19:1-13. |
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188 |
1991 |
(J. E. Cohen, Michael Lynch & Charles E. Taylor) Forensic DNA tests and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (comment). Science 253:1037-1038, 30 August. |
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189 |
1991 |
Comment: Partially observed Markov chains and genetic demography.Statistical Science 6(3):275-277. |
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190 |
1992 |
(J. E. Cohen & T. Luczak) Trophic levels in community food webs. Evolutionary Ecology 6:73-89. |
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191 |
1991 |
(J. E. Cohen & Charles M. Newman) Community area and food chain length: theoretical predictions. American Naturalist 138(6):1542-1554, December. |
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192 |
1992 |
Supermultiplicative inequalities for the permanent of nonnegative matrices. Mathematics Magazine 65(1):41-44, February. |
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193 |
1992 |
The complexity of simplicity. Book review: Simplicity and Complexity in Games of the Intellect by L. B. Slobodkin. BioScience 42(6):459-460. |
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194 |
1991 |
Book review: Applied Mathematical Ecology ed. S. A. Levin, T. G. Hallam & L. J. Gross. Ecological Economics 3(2):168-169, July. |
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195 |
1992 |
(J. E. Cohen & Thomas M. Liggett) Random arithmetic-geometric means and random pi: observations and conjectures. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 41:261-271. |
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196 |
1992 |
How many people can Earth hold? Discover 13(11):114-119, November. |
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197 |
1992 |
Old words from the wise. (Letter) Science 258(5084):876, 6 November. |
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198 |
1992 |
The ceiling principle is not always conservative in assigning genotype frequencies for forensic DNA testing. American Journal of Human Genetics 51(5):1165-1168, November. |
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199 |
1993 |
Going bananas. Book review: The Egalitarians — Human and Chimpanzee: An Anthropological View of Social Organization by M. Power. American Scholar 62(1):154-157. |
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200 |
1992 |
Book review: Infectious Diseases of Humans: Dynamics and Control by R. M. Anderson and R. M. May. Journal of the American Medical Association 268(23):3381, 16 December. |
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201 |
1992 |
(T. Luczak & J. E. Cohen) Giant components in three-parameter random directed graphs. Advances in Applied Probability 24(4):845-857, December. |
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202 |
1993 |
Network paradoxes and the inefficiency of noncooperative games. Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (San Antonio, TX, USA, January. 17-22, 1993), page 1. Information Theory Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ. |
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203 |
1993 |
(J. E. Cohen, R. Beaver, S. Cousins, D. DeAngelis, L. Goldwasser, K. L. Heong, R. Holt, A. Kohn, J. Lawton, N. Martinez, R. O'Malley, L. Page, B. Patten, S. Pimm, G. Polis, M. Rejmánek, T. Schoener, K. Schoenly, W. G. Sprules, J. Teal, R. Ulanowicz, P. Warren, H. Wilbur & P. Yodzis) Improving food webs. Ecology 74(1):252-258. |
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174b |
1993 |
Grösse, Alter und Produktivität wissenschaftlicher und technischer Forschungsgruppen. In: Generationsdynamik in der Forschung, ed. Karl Ulrich Mayer, trans. U. Opolka, pp. 125-149. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, New York. |
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204 |
1993 |
(J. E. Cohen, Stuart L. Pimm, Peter Yodzis & Joan Saldaña) Body sizes of animal predators and animal prey in food webs. Journal of Animal Ecology 62:67-78. |
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205 |
1993 |
(J. E. Cohen, Yoh Iwasa, Gh. Rautu, Mary Beth Ruskai, Eugene Seneta & Gheorghe Zbaganu) Relative entropy under mappings by stochastic matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 179:211-235, January 15. |
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206 |
1993 |
Foreword. In: Patch Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 96, ed. Simon A. Levin, Thomas M. Powell & John H. Steele, p. v. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. |
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207 |
1993 |
(John H. Steele, Stephen R. Carpenter, J. E. Cohen, Paul K. Dayton & Robert E. Ricklefs) Comparing terrestrial and marine ecological systems. In: Patch Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics96, ed. Simon A. Levin, Thomas M. Powell & John H. Steele, pp. 1-12. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. |
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208 |
1993 |
(T. Luczak & J. E. Cohen) Stratigraphy of a random acyclic directed graph: the size of trophic levels in the cascade model. Annals of Applied Probability 3(2):403-420, May. |
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209 |
1993 |
(Jennifer R. Slimowitz & J. E. Cohen) Violations of the ceiling principle: exact conditions and statistical evidence. American Journal of Human Genetics 53:314-323, August. |
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210 |
1993 |
(J. E. Cohen, Yves Derriennic & Gh. Zbaganu) Majorization, monotonicity of relative entropy, and stochastic matrices. In: Proceedings of the Doeblin Conference, ed. Harry Cohn. Contemporary Mathematics 149:251-259. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. |
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211 |
1993 |
(J. E. Cohen & Uriel G. Rothblum) Nonnegative ranks, decompositions and factorizations of nonnegative matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 190:149-168. |
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128a |
1993 |
Population forecasts and confidence intervals for Sweden: a comparison of model-based and empirical approaches. Reprinted in: Readings in Population Research Methodology, ed. Donald J. Bogue, Eduardo E. Arriaga & Douglas L. Anderton 5(17):40-49. Chicago, IL: Social Development Center for the United Nations Population Fund. |
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212 |
1993 |
(Hal Caswell & J. E. Cohen) Local and regional regulation of species-area relations: a patch-occupancy model. In: Species Diversity in Ecological Communities: Historical and Geographical Perspectives, ed. Robert E. Ricklefs & Dolph Schluter, pp. 99-107. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. |
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213 |
1993 |
(Fugo Takasu, Kohkichi Kawasaki, Hiroshi Nakamura, J. E. Cohen & Nanako Shigesada) Modeling the population dynamics of a cuckoo-host association and the evolution of host defenses. American Naturalist 142(5):819-839, November. |
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214 |
1994 |
Marine and continental food webs: three paradoxes?Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 343:57-69, January. |
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215 |
1994 |
(Ignacio Barradas & J. E. Cohen) Iterated exponentiation, matrix-matrix exponentiation and entropy. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 183(1):76-88. |
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216 |
1994 |
(Zbigniew J. Palka & J. E. Cohen) Isolated vertices of random niche overlap graphs. Ars Combinatoria 37:65-74. |
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217 |
1994 |
(Ignacio Barradas & J. E. Cohen) Disturbances allow coexistence of competing species. Journal of Mathematical Biology 32:663-676. |
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218 |
1994 |
(Lynn Margulis & J. E. Cohen) Combinatorial generation of taxonomic diversity: implication of symbiogenesis for the Proterozoic fossil record. In: Early Life on Earth: Nobel Symposium 84 ed. Stefan Bengtson, pp. 327-333. New York: Columbia University Press. |
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219 |
1994 |
(J. E. Cohen, Kenneth Schoenly, K. L. Heong, Hilario Justo, Gertrudo Arida, Alberto T. Barrion & James A. Litsinger) A food web approach to evaluating the effect of insecticide spraying on insect pest population dynamics in a Philippine irrigated rice ecosystem. Journal of Applied Ecology 31:747-763. |
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220 |
1994 |
(Yoshiaki Itoh & J. E. Cohen) Competitive ternary interactions and relative entropy of solutions. Journal of Physics A 27(19):6383-6393. |
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221 |
1994 |
Lorenzo Camerano's contribution to early food web theory. In: Frontiers of Theoretical Biology. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics100, ed. Simon A. Levin, pp. 351-359. New York: Springer-Verlag. |
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222 |
1994 |
(Translation by Claudia M. Jacobi, edited by J. E. Cohen) Lorenzo Camerano, On the equilibrium of living beings due to reciprocal destruction (1880). In: Frontiers of Theoretical Biology. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 100, ed. Simon A. Levin, pp. 360-380. New York: Springer-Verlag. |
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223 |
1994 |
Speculations on the future of food webs. In: Frontiers of Theoretical Biology. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 100, ed. Simon A. Levin, pp. 346-350. New York: Springer-Verlag. |
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224 |
1995 |
The uniqueness of present human population growth. In: The Way Things Are: A Science Tool-Kit for the Mind ed. John Brockman & Katinka Matson, pp. 277-283. New York: William Morrow; London: J. M. Dent. |
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225 |
1995 |
Random graphs in ecology. In: Topics in Probability and Its Applications ed. J. Laurie Snell, pp. 233-260. Probability and Stochastics series. Boca Raton, FL & New York: CRC Press. |
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226 |
1995 |
Population growth and Earth's human carrying capacity. Science 269:341-346, 21 July. |
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227 |
1995 |
Conflicts over world population: Cairo and beyond. In: Science, Technology, and New Global Realities: Issues for U.S. Foreign Policy ed. Susan U. Raymond, pp. 7-16. Science in Society Policy Report. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. |
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228 |
1995 |
(Hal Caswell & J. E. Cohen) Red, white and blue: environmental variance spectra and coexistence in metapopulations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 176:301-316. |
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229 |
1995 |
How many people can the Earth support? The Sciences (New York Academy of Sciences) 35(6):18-23, November-December; correspondence, 36(1):3-5, January-February 1996. (text only) |
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230 |
1995 |
(Kenneth G. Schoenly, J. E. Cohen, K. L. Heong, Gertrudo S. Arida, Alberto T. Barrion & James A. Litsinger) Quantifying the impact of insecticides on food web structure of rice-arthropod populations in a Philippine farmer's irrigated field: a case study. In: Food Webs: Integration of Patterns and Dynamics ed. Gary A. Polis & Kirk Winemiller, pp. 343-351. London & New York: Chapman & Hall. |
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231 |
1995 |
Unexpected dominance of high frequencies in chaotic nonlinear population models. Nature 378:610-612, 7 December. Also see: News and views, Ecology: from out of the blue, by G. Sugihara, 378:559-560. |
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232 |
1996 |
How many people can the Earth support? Population Today 24(1):4-6, January. |
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233 |
1996 |
How many people can the Earth support? An interview. Environmental Review 3(1):1-6, January. |
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234 |
1996 |
Maximum occupancy. American Demographics 18(2):44-51, February. |
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235 |
1996 |
Ten myths of population. Discover 17(4):42-47, April. |
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236 |
1996 |
(Ricardo E. Gürtler, María C. Cecere, Diego P. Vázquez, Roberto Chuit, and J. E. Cohen) Host-feeding patterns of domiciliary Triatoma infestans (Hempitera: Reduviidae) in northwest Argentina: seasonal and instar variation. Journal of Medical Entomology 33:15-26. |
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237 |
1996 |
Ecologists ask economists: is the price right? The Scientist 10(6):11, March 18. |
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238 |
1996 |
(Clark Jeffries & J. E. Cohen) Marker transport through ecosystem energy flow. Journal of Theoretical Biology 179:323-328. |
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239 |
1996 |
(María C. Cecere, Ricardo E. Gürtler, Delmi Canale, Robert Chuit & J. E. Cohen) El papel del peridomicilio en la eliminación de Triatoma infestans de comunidades rurales argentinas. Boletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 121(1):1-10, July. |
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240 |
1996 |
(Ricardo E. Gürtler, María C. Cecere, Monica B. Castañera, Delmi Canale, Marta A. Lauricella, Roberto Chuit, J. E. Cohen & Elsa L. Segura) Probability of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi of the vector Triatoma infestans fed on infected humans and dogs in northwest Argentina. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 55(1):24-31; erratum 55(4):465. |
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241 |
1994 |
Fertility incentives and participation in localities with limited means: a dynamic model of per capita resources. Mathematical Population Studies 5(1):3-24. |
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242 |
1996 |
(Kenneth G. Schoenly, J. E. Cohen, K. L. Heong, James A. Litsinger, G. B. Aquino, Alberto T. Barrion & Gertrudo S. Arida) Food web dynamics of irrigated Philippine rice fields at five sites along an elevational gradient. Bulletin of Entomological Research 86:451-466. |
B |
243 |
1996 |
Book review: Game Control by Lionel Shriver. Population and Development Review 22(3):578-580, September. |
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244 |
1996 |
(John Bongaarts, J. E. Cohen & Allan Rosenfield) Living heavily on the Earth. 21st C. (Columbia University) 2(1):5-6. |
E |
245 |
1996 |
(J. E. Cohen & David Tilman) Biosphere 2 and biodiversity--the lessons so far. (image) Science 274(5290):1150-1151, 15 November. |
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246 |
1997 |
Conservation and human population growth: what are the linkages? In: The Ecological Basis of Conservation: Heterogeneity, Ecosystems, and Biodiversity, ed. Steward T. A. Pickett, Richard S. Ostfeld, Moshe Shachak & Gene Likens, pp. 29-42. New York, London: Chapman & Hall. |
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247 |
1997 |
A vision of the future. In: The Ecological Basis of Conservation: Heterogeneity, Ecosystems, and Biodiversity, ed. Steward T. A. Pickett, Richard S. Ostfeld, Moshe Shachak and Gene Likens, pp. 400-403. New York, London: Chapman & Hall. |
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248 |
1996 |
Population and migration: links with economics, the environment and culture. In: The Convergence of U.S. National Security and the Global Environment, ed. Dick Clark. Aspen Institute Congressional Program 11(4):23-28. Washington, DC: Aspen Institute. |
R |
249 |
1996 |
(Ignacio Barradas, Hal Caswell & J. E. Cohen) Competition during colonization vs competition after colonization in disturbed environments: a metapopulation approach. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 58(6):1187-1207, November. |
R |
250 |
1997 |
(Sophia Kalpazidou & J. E. Cohen) Orthogonal cycle transforms of stochastic matrices. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 16(3):363-374. |
R |
251 |
1997 |
(Christopher Small & J. E. Cohen) Hypsography meets demography: how many people can the beach support? EARTHmatters (Columbia Earth Institute) pp. 8-9, May. |
R |
252 |
1997 |
(J. E. Cohen and Clark Jeffries) Congestion resulting from increased capacity in single-server queueing networks. Transactions on Networking (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers & Association for Computing Machinery) 5(2):305-310, April. |
E |
229a |
1997 |
How many people can the Earth support? In: Population, Environment, and Development, ed. R. K. Pachuari and Lubina F. Qureshy, pp. 35-44. New Delhi, India: Tata Energy Research Institute. |
B |
253 |
1997 |
Book review: Matters of Life and Death: Perspectives on Public Health, Molecular Biology, Cancer and the Prospects for the Human Race by J. Cairns. Nature 387(6633):565-566, 5 June. |
R |
254 |
1997 |
(Ricardo E. Gürtler, J. E. Cohen, María C. Cecere & Roberto Chuit) Shifting host choices of the vector of Chagas disease, Triatoma infestans, in relation to the availability of hosts in houses in north-west Argentina. Journal of Applied Ecology 34:699-715. |
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239a |
1997 |
(María C. Cecere, Ricardo E. Gürtler, Delmi Canale, Robert Chuit & J. E. Cohen) The role of the peridomiciliary area in the elimination of Triatoma infestans from rural Argentine communities. Pan American Journal of Public Health 1(4):273-279, April. |
E |
255 |
1997 |
Why should more United States tax money be used to pay for development assistance in poor countries? Population and Development Review 23(3):579-584, September. |
R |
256 |
1997 |
(J. E. Cohen, Christopher Small, Andrew Mellinger, John Gallup & Jeffrey D. Sachs) Estimates of coastal populations. (Letter) Science 278:1211-1212, 14 November. |
R |
257 |
1997 |
Population, economics, environment, and culture: an introduction to human carrying capacity. Journal of Applied Ecology 34:1325-1333, December. |
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258 |
1997 |
Food web. In: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 8th ed. 7:362-363. New York: McGraw-Hill. |
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259 |
1997 |
(María C. Cecere, Ricardo E. Gürtler, Roberto Chuit & J. E. Cohen) Effects of chickens on the prevalence of infestation and population density of Triatoma infestans in rural houses of north-west Argentina. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 11:383-388. |
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260 |
1998 |
(Adam E. Cohen, Andrew Gonzalez, John H. Lawton, Owen L. Petchey, Dennis Wildman & J. E. Cohen) A novel experimental apparatus to study the impact of white noise and 1/f noise on animal populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) series B 265:11-15. |
E |
257a |
1998 |
How many people can the Earth support? Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 51(4):25-39, March/April. |
E |
261 |
1998 |
A global garden in the 21st century?The Key Reporter (Phi Beta Kappa, Washington, DC) 63(3):1-5, spring. Reply to correspondence, 63(4):7, summer. |
R |
262 |
1998 |
(Ricardo E. Gürtler, J. E. Cohen, María C. Cecere, Marta A. Lauricella, Roberto Chuit & Elsa L. Segura) Influence of humans and domestic animals on the household prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi in Triatoma infestans populations in northwest Argentina. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 58(6):748-758. |
R |
263 |
1998 |
Cooperation and self-interest: Pareto-inefficiency of Nash equilibria in finite random games. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 95:9724-9731, 18 August. |
E |
257b |
1998 |
How many people can the Earth support? New York Review of Books 45(15):29-31, 8 October. |
E |
261a |
1998 |
A global garden in the 21st century? EarthMatters (Columbia Earth Institute), pp. 4-24, fall. |
R |
264 |
1998 |
(María C. Cecere, Ricardo E. Gürtler, Roberto Chuit & J. E. Cohen) Factors limiting the domestic density of Triatoma infestans, vector of Chagas disease, in north-west Argentina: a longitudinal study. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 76(4):373-384. |
E |
265 |
1998 |
Immigration and population: is it time to close the golden door? In: Annual Report and Proceedings of the Vail Valley Institute 1997 Seminar VI ed. Elizabeth Eber, pp. 18-22. Vail, CO: Vail Valley Institute. |
R |
266 |
1998 |
(J. E. Cohen & Christopher Small) Hypsographic demography: The distribution of the human population by altitude. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 95(24):14009-14014, November 24. |
E |
229b |
1998 |
How many people can the Earth support? Chinese translation by Chen Wei. Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu) 22(5):69-76, September. |
B |
267 |
1999 |
Book review: The bright side of the plague. The Black Death and the Transformation of the West by David Herlihy. New York Review of Books 46(4):26-28, 4 March. |
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268 |
1998 |
(Ricardo E. Gürtler, Roberto Chuit, María C. Cecere, Monica B. Castañera, J. E. Cohen & Elsa L. Segura) Household prevalence of seropositivity for Trypanosoma cruzi in northwest Argentina: environmental, demographic and entomologic associations. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 59(5):741-749. |
E |
261b |
1999 |
A global garden in the 21st century? The Reporter (Zero Population Growth) 31(1):14-17, February. |
B |
269 |
1999 |
Book review: Despairing optimism. Feeding the Ten Billion: Plants and Population Growth by Lloyd T. Evans. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 14(4)[154]:163-165, April. |
E |
270 |
1999 |
Should population projections consider "limiting factors"--and if so, how? In: Advances in Population Projections, ed. Wolfgang Lutz, James W. Vaupel, & Dennis Ahlburg, pp. 118-138. Population and Development Review Supplement to Vol. 24. |
R |
271 |
1999 |
(Ricardo E. Gürtler, María C. Cecere, Delmi Canale, Monica B. Castañera, Roberto Chuit & J. E. Cohen) Monitoring house reinfestation by vectors of Chagas disease: a comparative trial of detection methods during a four-year follow-up. Acta Tropica 72:213-234. |
E |
272 |
1999 |
(Barry R. Bloom, David E. Bloom, J. E. Cohen & Jeffrey D. Sachs) Investing in the World Health Organization. Science 284:911, May 7. |
B |
273 |
1999 |
Book review: Human Demography and Disease by S. Scott and C. Duncan. Journal of the American Medical Association 281(20):1953-1954. |
E |
274 |
1999 |
(Nina V. Fedoroff & J. E. Cohen) Plants and population: is there time? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 96(11):5903-5907, May 25. |
R |
275 |
1999 |
(Matthew Spencer, Leon Blaustein, Steven S. Schwartz & J. E. Cohen) Species richness and the proportion of predatory animal species in temporary freshwater pools: relationships with habitat size and permanence. Ecology Letters 2:157-166. |
A |
275a |
1999 |
(Matthew Spencer, Leon Blaustein, J.E. Cohen, Marc Mangel) How behavior affects patchy population dynamics in the mosquito Culiseta longiareolata: a stage-structured model. Israel Journal of Zoology 45:324-325. |
R |
276 |
1999 |
(J. E. Cohen, Charles M. Newman, Adam E. Cohen, Owen L. Petchey & Andrew Gonzalez) Spectral mimicry: a method of synthesizing matching time series with different Fourier spectra. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 18(3):431-442. |
E |
277 |
1999 |
Human population growth and tradeoffs in land use. In: Ecological Stewardship: A Common Reference for Ecosystem Management, ed. Nels C. Johnson, A. J. Malk, W. T. Sexton, and R. Szaro, vol. 2, pp. 677-702. Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford. |
E |
229c |
1999 |
How many people can the Earth support? In: New Ethics for the Public's Health, ed. Dan E. Beauchamp and Bonnie Steinbock, pp. 330-338. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford. |
E |
278 |
1999 |
Now we are six...billion. Newsday (Queens, NY) 60(38):B5, October 10, 1999. |
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279 |
1999 |
Population and planet: the twentieth century and the twenty-first. Harvard Magazine 102(2):38-40, November-December 1999. |
E |
280 |
1999 |
Population in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In: Useful Knowledge: The American Philosophical Society Millennium Program, ed. Alexander G. Bearn, pp. 173-180. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. |
R |
226a |
2000 |
Population growth and Earth's human carrying capacity. In: Consumption, Population, and Sustainability: Perspectives from Science and Religion, ed. Audrey R. Chapman, Rodney L. Petersen, and Barbara Smith-Moran, pp. 55-70. Island Press, Washington, DC |
R |
281 |
2000 |
(Jane Memmott, Neo D. Martinez & J. E. Cohen) Predators, parasitoids and pathogens: species richness, trophic generality and body sizes in a natural food web. Journal of Animal Ecology 69(1):1-15. |
E |
282 |
2000 |
Hard choices ahead for growing world. California Agriculture 54(1):6-8, January-February. |
E |
278a |
2000 |
6 billion people: but who is counting? EarthMatters (Columbia University Earth Institute) pp. 23-25, Winter 1999/2000. |
R |
283 |
2000 |
(Christopher Small, Vivien Gornitz & J. E. Cohen) Coastal hazards and the global distribution of human population. Environmental Geosciences 7(1):3-12, March. |
E |
284 |
1999 |
Sustainability. Black Rock Forest Papers No. 32. Black Rock Forest Consortium, Cornwall, NY. |
R |
285 |
1999 |
(Christopher Small & J. E. Cohen) Continental physiography, climate and the global distribution of human population. Towards Digital Earth - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Digital Earth, ed. Guanhua Xu & Yuntai Chen, 2:965-971. Science Press, Beijing, China. |
R |
286 |
2000 |
(J. E. Cohen & Albert D. Rich) Interspecific competition affects temperature stability in Daisyworld. Tellus 52B(3):980-984. |
E |
287 |
2000 |
Keynote address. In: Population and the Environment: Too Many People and/or Poor Management of Resources? College of Natural Resources, Center for Sustainable Resource Development, University of California, Berkeley. Pp. 21-35. |
E |
288 |
2000 |
Population problems: Recent developments and their impact. Asia-Pacific Review (Institute for International Policy Studies, Tokyo) 7(2):86-98. |
R |
289 |
2000 |
(Xin Chen & J. E. Cohen) Support of the hyperbolic connectance hypothesis by qualitative stability of model food webs. Community Ecology 1(2):215-225. |
E |
290 |
2001 |
Educating the children of the world. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 54(2):33-38, winter. |
B |
291 |
2000 |
Book review: The Ecological Impact of Population Aging by Donald J. Bogue. Population Studies 54(3):353, November. |
R |
292 |
2001 |
(Xin Chen & J. E. Cohen) Transient dynamics and food-web complexity in the Lotka-Volterra cascade model. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) series B 268:869-877. |
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293 |
1999 |
(J. E. Cohen & David E. Bloom) Universal basic and secondary education. Politics in the Life Sciences 18(2):213-216, September. [Published June 2001.] |
R |
294 |
2001 |
(J. E. Cohen and Ricardo E. Gürtler) Modeling household transmission of American trypanosomiasis. Science 293(5530):694-698, July 27. |
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295 |
2001 |
(Xin Chen and J. E. Cohen) Global stability, local stability and permanence in model food webs. Journal of Theoretical Biology 212(2):223-235, September 21. |
B |
296 |
2001 |
Linking human and natural history: a review essay. Something New Under the Sun: an Environmental History of the 20th-Century World by J. R. McNeill. Population and Development Review 27(3):573-584, September. |
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297 |
2001 |
(Ann K. Sakai, Fred W. Allendorf, Jodie S. Holt, David M. Lodge, Jane Molofsky, Kimberly A. With, Syndallas Baughman, Robert J. Cabin, Joel E. Cohen, Norman C. Ellstrand, David E. McCauley, Pamela O'Neil, Ingrid M. Parker, John N. Thompson, Stephen G. Weller) The population biology of invasive species. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 32:305-332. |
E |
298 |
2002 |
The future of population. In: What the Future Holds: Insights from Social Science, ed. Richard N. Cooper & Richard Layard, pp. 29-75. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. |
R |
299 |
2002 |
(Matthew Spencer, Leon Blaustein & J. E. Cohen) Oviposition habitat selection by mosquitoes (Culiseta longiareolata) and consequences for population size. Ecology 83(3):669-679. |
A |
299a |
2001 |
(Leon Blaustein, Moshe Kiflawi, A. Eitam, Marc Mangel, J.E. Cohen) Oviposition site selection by the mosquito, Culiseta longiareolata, in response to chemical detection of a predator, Notonecta maculata. Annual Meetings of the Ecological Society of America, Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. |
A |
299b |
2001 |
(Moshe Kiflawi, Leon Blaustein, J.E. Cohen) Predation by larval Salamandra and invertebrate species richness in temporary pools. Israel Journal of Zoology 47:185. |
A |
299c |
2001 |
(Leon Blaustein, Moshe Kiflawi, A. Eitam, J.E. Cohen, Marc Mangel) Oviposition site selection by the mosquito, Culiseta longiareolata, in response to chemical detection of the predator Notonecta maculata. Israel Journal of Zoology 47:178-179. |
E |
300 |
2002 |
2001 induction ceremony orientation remarks [on universal basic and secondary education]. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 55(2):19-23, Winter. |
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301 |
2001 |
World population in 2050: assessing the projections. In: Seismic Shifts: the Economic Impact of Demographic Change, ed. Jane Sneddon Little and Robert K. Triest, pp. 83-113. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Conference Series No. 46, June. |
E |
302 |
2002 |
Population and the environment. In: The Convergence of U.S. National Security and the Global Environment, ed. Dick Clark. Aspen Institute Congressional Program 17(4):39-48. Washington, DC: Aspen Institute. |
E |
303 |
2002 |
(David E. Bloom & J. E. Cohen) Education for all: an unfinished revolution. Daedalus 131(3):84-95, summer. |
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304 |
2001 |
(Raymond C. Fisher, James Fallows, John A. Baden, Joel E. Cohen, Eric Redman, Barbara Reeves, Lois C. Schiffer, Barton H. Thompson [panelists]) Balance and conflict: environmental challenges facing the western United States. Western Legal History (Journal of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society) 14(1):43-72, winter/spring. |
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305 |
2002 |
(M.C. Cecere, R.E. Gürtler, D.M. Canale, R. Chuit, J. E. Cohen) Effects of partial housing improvement and insecticide spraying on the reinfestation dynamics of Triatoma infestans in rural northwestern Argentina. Acta Tropica 84(2):101-116, November. |
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306 |
2003 |
(R.E. Gürtler, Elsa L. Segura, J.E. Cohen) Congenital transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Argentina. Emerging Infectious Diseases 9(1):29-32, January. DOI: 10.3201/eid0901.020274 |
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307 |
2003 |
(J.E. Cohen, Tomas Jonsson, Stephen R. Carpenter) Ecological community description using the food web, species abundance, and body size. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100(4):1781-1786, 18 February. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.232715699 |
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308 |
2003 |
(Kristin Astrom, J. E. Cohen, Joan E. Willett-Brozick, Christopher E. Aston, Bora E. Baysal) Altitude is a phenotypic modifier in hereditary paraganglioma type 1: evidence for an oxygen-sensing defect sensing defect. Human Genetics 113(3):228-237, August. |
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309 |
2003 |
Human population: the next half century. Science 302:1172-1175, November 14. |
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310 |
2003 |
(Leon Blaustein, Moshe Kiflawi, Avi Eitam, Marc Mangel and J. E. Cohen) Oviposition habitat selection in response to risk of predation in temporary pools: mode of detection and consistency across experimental venue. Oecologia 138(2):300-305, January. |
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311 |
2004 |
(Eric L. Berlow, Anje-Margriet Neutel, J. E. Cohen, Peter de Ruiter, Bo Ebenman, Mark Emmerson, Jeremy W. Fox, Vincent A. A. Jansen, J. Iwan Jones, Giorgos D. Kokkoris, Dmitrii O. Logofet, Alan J. McKane, Jose M. Montoya, Owen Petchey) Interaction strengths in food webs: issues and opportunities. Journal of Animal Ecology 73:585-598. |
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312 |
2004 |
(Christopher Small, J.E. Cohen) Continental physiography, climate and the global distribution of human population. Current Anthropology45(2):269-277, April. DOI: 10.1086/382255 |
R |
313 |
2004 |
(Daniel C. Reuman, J. E. Cohen) Trophic links' length and slope in the Tuesday Lake food web with species' body mass and numerical abundance. Journal of Animal Ecology 73:852-866, September. |
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314 |
2004 |
(J. E. Cohen, J.H.B. Kemperman, Gheorghe Zbaganu) Elementary inequalities that involve two nonnegative vectors or functions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(42):15018-15022, October 19. |
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315 |
2004 |
Comparing long-range global population projections with historical experience. In: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, World Population to 2300, pp. 123-126. ST/ESA/SER.A/236, Sales No. E.04.XIII.11. New York: United Nations. |
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316 |
2005 |
(Christian Mulder, J. E. Cohen, Heikki Setälä, Jaap Bloem, Anton Breure) Bacterial traits, organism mass, and numerical abundance in the detrital soil food web of Dutch agricultural grasslands. Ecology Letters8(1):80-90, January. DOI:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2004.00704.x Corrigenda 8:575, May. DOI:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2005.00770.x |
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317 |
2004 |
Mathematics is biology's next microscope, only better; biology is mathematics' next physics, only better. Public Library of Science Biology 12(12):2017-2023, December. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020439 |
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318 |
2005 |
(J. E. Cohen, J.H.B. Kemperman, Gheorghe Zbaganu) A family of inequalities originating from coding of messages. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 395:1-82, January 15. |
R |
319 |
2005 |
(J. E. Cohen, Tomas Jonsson, Christine B. Müller, H. C. J. Godfray, Van M. Savage) Body sizes of hosts and parasitoids in individual feeding relationships. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(3):684-689. |
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320 |
2005 |
(Tomas Jonsson, J. E. Cohen, Stephen R. Carpenter) Food webs, body size and species abundance in ecological community description. In: Food Webs: From Connectivity to Energetics, ed. Hal Caswell. Advances in Ecological Research 36:1-84. |
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321 |
2005 |
(Daniel C. Reuman, J. E. Cohen) Estimating relative energy fluxes using the food web, species abundance, and body size. In: Food Webs: From Connectivity to Energetics, ed. Hal Caswell. Advances in Ecological Research 36:137-182. |
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322 |
2005 |
(J. E. Cohen, David E. Bloom) Cultivating minds. Finance and Development 42(2):8-14, June. International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC. In Chinese / In Spanish |
R |
323 |
2005 |
(Ricardo E. Gürtler, María C. Cecere, Marta A. Lauricella, Rosario M. Petersen, Roberto Chuit, Elsa L. Segura, J. E. Cohen) Incidence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection among children following domestic reinfestation after insecticide spraying in rural northwestern Argentina. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 73(1):95-103, July 1. |
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324 |
2005 |
Human population grows up. Scientific American 293(3):48-55, September. |
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325 |
2005 |
(Ulrich Brose, Lara Cushing, Eric L. Berlow, Tomas Jonsson, Carolin Banasek-Richter, Louis-Felix Bersier, Julia L. Blanchard, Thomas Brey, Stephen R. Carpenter, Marie-France Cattin Blandenier, J. E. Cohen, Hassan Ali Dawah, Tony Dell, Francois Edwards, Sarah Harper-Smith, Ute Jacob, Roland A. Knapp, Mark E. Ledger, Jane Memmott, Katja Mintenbeck, John K. Pinnegar, Björn C. Rall, Tom Rayner, Liliane Ruess, Werner Ulrich, Philip Warren, Rich J. Williams, Guy Woodward, Peter Yodzis, Neo D. Martinez) Body sizes of consumers and their resources. Ecology 86(9):2545, September. Ecological Archives E086-135 |
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326 |
2005 |
(J. E. Cohen, Stephen R. Carpenter) Species' average body mass and numerical abundance in a community food web: statistical questions in estimating the relationship. In: Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies Assemblages, Ecosystem Development and Environmental Change—A Volume of Theoretical Ecology, ed. Peter C. de Ruiter, Volkmar Wolters and John C. Moore, pp. 137-156. Elsevier, Amsterdam. |
B |
327 |
2006 |
The evolution of a great mind: the life and work of Darwin. Exhibit review and book review: Darwin, at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, Nov. 19, 2005-May 29, 2006, curated by Niles Eldredge. Eldredge, Niles 2005 Darwin: Discovering the Tree of Life. W. W. Norton & Company, New York, London. The Lancet 367:721-722, March 4. |
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309a |
2006 |
Human population: the next half century. Reprinted in: The State of the Planet 2006-2007, ed. Donald Kennedy, pp. 13-21. Island Press. ISBN: 1597260622. 201p. |
E |
328 |
2006 |
One-on-one [interview on the future of world population and implications for real estate]. PREA (Pension Real Estate Association) Quarterly, summer. |
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329 |
2006 |
(Brose, Ulrich, Jonsson, Tomas, Berlow, Eric L., Warren, Philip, Banasek-Richter, Carolin, Bersier, Louis-Felix, Blanchard, Julia L., Brey, Thomas, Carpenter, Stephen R., Cattin Blandenier, Marie-France, Cushing, Lara, Dawah, Hassan Ali, Dell, Tony, Edwards, Francois, Harper-Smith, Sarah, Jacob, Ute, Ledger, Mark E., Martinez, Neo D., Memmott, Jane, Mintenbeck, Katja, Pinnegar, John K., Rall, Bjˆrn C., Rayner, Thomas S., Reuman, Daniel C., Ruess, Liliane, Ulrich, Werner, Williams, Rich J., Woodward, Guy, Cohen, J. E.) Consumer-resource body-size relationships in natural food webs. Ecology 87(10):2411-2417, October. |
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330 |
2006 |
(Reuman, Daniel C., Desharnais, Robert A., Costantino, Robert F., Ahmad, Omar S., Cohen, J. E.) Power spectra reveal the influence of stochasticity on nonlinear population dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103(49):18860-18865, December 5. |
E |
331 |
2006 |
Goals of universal basic and secondary education. Prospects: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education (UNESCO) 36(3):1-23, September. |
R |
332 |
2007 |
(R. E. Gürtler, M. C. Cecere, M. A. Lauricella, M. V. Cardinal, U. Kitron, J. E. Cohen) Domestic dogs and cats as sources of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in rural northwestern Argentina. Parasitology 134(1):69-82, January. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182006001259. |
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333 |
2007 |
(J. E. Cohen, David E. Bloom, Martin B. Malin, Helen A. Curry) Universal basic and secondary education. In: Educating All Children: A Global Agenda eds. J. E. Cohen, David E. Bloom, Martin Malin, pp. 1-29. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. |
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334 |
2007 |
(H. zu Dohna, María C. Cecere, Ricardo E. Gürtler, Uriel Kitron, J. E. Cohen) Re-establishment of local populations of vectors of Chagas disease after insecticide spraying. Journal of Applied Ecology 44:220-227. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2006.01243.x |
E |
335 |
2007 |
Universal basic and secondary education. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 60(2):16-17, winter. |
R |
336 |
2007 |
Body sizes in food chains of animal predators and parasites. In: Body Size: The Structure and Function of Aquatic Ecosystems, ed. Alan G. Hildrew, David G. Raffaelli & Ronni Edmonds-Brown. Ecological Reviews British Ecological Society. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 306-325. |
B |
337 |
2007 |
Book review: Fundamental Processes in Ecology: An Earth Systems Approach, by David M. Wilkinson. Quarterly Review of Biology 82(2):173, June. |
R |
338 |
2007 |
(Ricardo E. Gürtler, Uriel Kitron, M. Carla Cecere, Elsa L. Segura, J. E. Cohen) Sustainable vector control and management of Chagas disease in the Gran Chaco, Argentina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(41):16194-16199, October 9. |
E |
339 |
2007 |
(J. E. Cohen, Leslie C. Berlowitz) Academia in the crosshairs. Boston Sunday Globe, p. D9, September 30. |
E |
340 |
2008 |
Universal basic and secondary education. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 61(2):18-20, winter. |
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341 |
2008 |
(Daniel C. Reuman, Robert Costantino, Robert Desharnais, J. E. Cohen) Colour of environmental noise affects the nonlinear dynamics of cycling, stage-structured populations. Ecology Letters 11(8):820-830, August. DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01194.x |
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342 |
2008 |
Constant global population with demographic heterogeneity. Demographic Research 18(14):409-436, May 27. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2008.18.14 |
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343 |
2008 |
Sustainable cities. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 61(4):6-8, summer. |
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344 |
2008 |
(Daniel C. Reuman, Christian Mulder, Dave Raffaelli, J. E. Cohen) Three allometric relations of population density to body mass: theoretical integration and empirical tests in 149 food webs. Ecology Letters 11(11):1216-1228, November. DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01236.x |
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345 |
2008 |
(J. E. Cohen, Marta Roig, Daniel C. Reuman, Cai GoGwilt) International migration beyond gravity: a statistical model for use in population projections. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(40):15269-15274, October 7. www.pnas.org_cgi_doi_10.1073_pnas.0808185105 |
A |
346 |
2008 |
(Alon Silberbush, Shai Markman, Ephraim Lewinsohn, J. E. Cohen, Leon Blaustein) Predator-released kairomones repel oviposition by the mosquito Culiseta longiareolata. Israel Society for Parasitology, Protozoology and Tropical Diseases Annual Meeting Ramat Gan, Israel December 10-11, 2007 |
E |
347 |
2008 |
Make secondary education universal. Nature 456:572-573, December 4. |
E |
348 |
2008 |
Interview. Joel E. Cohen takes a step back from the expected risks and looks at the world of threats with long tails and game-changing effects. American Perspectives. PricewaterhouseCoopers, New York. Pp. 32-33. |
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349 |
2009 |
Quanta popolazione è sostenibile? Aspenia 44:47-54, March. Aspen Institute Italia, Rome. |
E |
349a |
2009 |
How many people can the planet hold? Aspenia (English edition) 43-44:40-46, June. Aspen Institute Italia, Rome. |
R |
350 |
2009 |
(Daniel C. Reuman, Christian Mulder, Carolin Banasek-Richter, Marie-France Cattin Blandenier, Anton M. Breure, Henri Den Hollander, Jamie M. Kneitel, Dave Raffaelli, Guy Woodward, J. E. Cohen) Allometry of body size and abundance in 166 food webs. Advances in Ecological Research 41:1-44. |
R |
351 |
2009 |
(Daniel C. Reuman, J. E. Cohen, Christian Mulder) Human and environmental factors influence soil faunal abundance-mass allometry and structure. Advances in Ecological Research 41:45-85. |
R |
352 |
2009 |
The demography of the resident membership of the American Philosophical Society. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 153(2):200-213, June. |
R |
353 |
2009 |
(Heinrich zu Dohna, María C. Cecere, Ricardo E. Gürtler, Uriel Kitron, J. E. Cohen) Spatial re-establishment dynamics of local populations of vectors of Chagas disease. Public Library of Science Neglected Tropical Diseases 3(7):e490, July 28. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000490 |
E |
354 |
2009 |
A mindful beauty. The American Scholar 78(4):56-64, fall. |
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355 |
2009 |
Book review: Global Catastrophes and Trends: The Next Fifty Years, by Vaclav Smil. New York Review of Books 56(14):64-68, September 24. |
B |
355a |
2009 |
Monitorando o desastre. Book review: Global Catastrophes and Trends: The Next Fifty Years, by Vaclav Smil. New York Review of Books 56(14):64-68, September 24, 2009. Portuguese translation by Ailton Benedito de Sousa. Comunicação & política 27(3):233-247. CEBELA (Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Latino-Americanos) |
E |
324a |
2009 |
Human population grows up. In: A Pivotal Moment: Population, Justice and the Environmental Challenge ed. Laurie Mazur, pp. 27-37. Island Press, Washington, DC. |
R |
356 |
2009 |
Goals of universal basic and secondary education. In: International Perspectives on the Goals of Universal Basic and Secondary Education, eds. J. E. Cohen, Martin Malin. Routledge, New York, London. Pp. 3-39. ISBN: 978-0-415-99766-9. |
R |
357 |
2009 |
Educational goals: art, science, love, and the importance of binocular vision. In: International Perspectives on the Goals of Universal Basic and Secondary Education, eds. J. E. Cohen, Martin Malin. Routledge, New York, London. Pp. 125-138. ISBN: 978-0-415-99766-9. |
R |
358 |
2009 |
(J. E. Cohen, Daniella N. Schittler, David G. Raffaelli, Daniel C. Reuman) Food webs are more than the sum of their tri-trophic parts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(52):22335-22340, December 29. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0910582106 |
R |
359 |
2010 |
(Nicole Creanza, Jason S. Schwarz, J. E. Cohen) Intraseasonal dynamics and dominant sequences in H3N2 influenza. PLoS ONE 5(1):e8544, January 1. |
R |
360 |
2010 |
Life expectancy is the death-weighted average of the reciprocal of the survival-specific force of mortality. Demographic Research 22(5):115-128, January 22. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2010.22.5 |
E |
361 |
2010 |
Ultimate agents of global change. In: Hoekstra, J.M., J.L. Molnar, M. Jennings, C. Revenga, M.D. Spalding, T.M. Boucher, J.C. Robertson, T. J. Heibel, K. Ellison, The Atlas of Global Conservation: Changes, Challenges and Opportunities to Make a Difference, ed. J.L. Molnar, pp. 84-87. Berkeley: University of California Press. |
E |
362 |
2010 |
Choosing future population. Nature Transformed: The Environment in American History, TeacherServe. National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC. |
R |
363 |
2010 |
(Kenneth G. Schoenly, J. E. Cohen, K. L. Heong, James A. Litsinger, Alberto T. Barrion, Gertrudo S. Arida) Fallowing did not disrupt invertebrate fauna in Philippine low-pesticide irrigated rice fields. Journal of Applied Ecology 47:593-602, June. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01799.x |
R |
364 |
2010 |
(Alon Silberbush, Shai Markman, Efraim Lewinsohn, Einat Bar, J. E. Cohen, Leon Blaustein) Predator-released hydrocarbons repel oviposition by a mosquito. Ecology Letters 13:1129-1138. DOI:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01501.x |
E |
365 |
2010 |
Beyond Population: Everyone Counts in Development. CGD Working Paper 220. Washington, D.C.: Center for Global Development. |
E |
366 |
2010 |
Population and climate change. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 154(2):158-182, June. |
E |
367 |
2011 |
What the Earth knows: an exchange. The American Scholar 80(1):4-6, winter. |
E |
354a |
2010 |
A mindful beauty. In: The Best Spiritual Writing 2011, ed. Philip Zaleski, pp. 30-42. Penguin Books, New York. 244 pages. ISBN 978-0-14-311867-1 |
R |
368 |
2010 |
(Keuntae Kim, J. E. Cohen) Determinants of international migration flows to and from industrialized countries: a panel data approach beyond gravity. International Migration Review 44(4):899-932. |
R |
369 |
2011 |
Life expectancy: lower and upper bounds from surviving fractions and remaining life expectancy. Demographic Research 24(11):251-256. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2011.24.11 |
E |
370 |
2011 |
International migration flows: statistical models for use in population projections. Ninth Coordination Meeting on International Migration, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat, New York, 17-18 February 2011, UN/POP/MIG-9CM/2011/09 |
E |
324c |
2011 |
Human population grows up. Chapter 2 in: Global Urbanization, eds. Eugenie L. Birch, Susan M. Wachter, pp. 24-31. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 384 pages. ISBN 978-0-8122-4284-3 |
R |
371 |
2011 |
(J. E. Cohen, Øystein Kravdal, Nico Keilman) Childbearing impeded education more than education impeded childbearing in a cohort of Norwegian women. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(29):11830-11835, July 19. |
R |
372 |
2011 |
Meat. The First Annual Malthus Lecture. Population Reference Bureau and International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC. |
E |
354b |
2011 |
Mixing apples and oranges: what poetry and applied mathematics have in common. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 155(2):189-202. |
E |
373 |
2011 |
7 billion: can humanity handle the unprecedented rise in population? New York Times 161(55,568):op-ed page A23, October 24. |
R |
374 |
2011 |
(Johan Ramsayer, Simon Fellous, J. E. Cohen, Michael E. Hochberg) Taylor's law holds in experimental bacterial populations but competition does not influence the slope. Biology Letters 8(2):316-319, April 23. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0895 |
R |
375 |
2011 |
(Alon Warburg, Roy Faiman, Alex Shtern, Alon Silberbush, Shai Markman, J. E. Cohen, Leon Blaustein) Oviposition habitat selection by Anopheles gambiae in response to chemical cues by Notonecta maculata. Journal of Vector Ecology 36(2):421-425, December. |
E |
376 |
2011 |
Editorial. Science and law: rattled by quakes. Science 334:1472, December 16. DOI:10.1126/science.1217478 |
E |
376a |
2012 | A seismic crime. Project Syndicate, February 2, 2012. |
R |
377 |
2012 | Projection of net migration using a gravity model. Tenth Coordination Meeting On International Migration, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat, New York, 9-10 February 2012. UN/POP/MIG-10CM/2012/11, 3 February 2012. |
R | 378 | 2012 | (Arik Kershenbaum, Matthew Spencer, Leon Blaustein, J. E. Cohen) Modelling evolutionarily stable strategies in oviposition site selection, with varying risks of predation and intraspecific competition. Evolutionary Ecology 26(4):955-974. DOI 10.1007/s10682-011-9548-9. |
B | 379 | 2012 | What will it take to save the Earth? Book review: The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World by Daniel Yergin; Sustainable Energy — Without the Hot Air by David J. C. MacKay. New York Review of Books 59(7):47-49, April 26, 2012. |
R | 380 | 2012 | Pythagoras in a box. Math Horizons (Mathematical Association of America) 19(4):14-15, April. DOI: 10.4169/mathhorizons.19.4.14 |
R | 381 | 2012 | (Oliver Kaltz, Patricia Escobar-Páramo, Michael E. Hochberg, J. E. Cohen) Bacterial microcosms obey Taylor's law: effects of abiotic and biotic stress and genetics on mean and variance of population density. Ecological Processes 1:5, April 3. DOI: 10.1186/2192-1709-1-5 |
R | 382 | 2012 | (J. E. Cohen, Jacob Oppenheim) Is a limit to the median length of human life imminent? Genus 68(1):11-40. DOI: 10.4402/genus-415 |
R | 383 | 2012 | (J. E. Cohen, Meng Xu, William S. F. Schuster) Allometric scaling of population variance with mean body size is predicted from Taylor's law and density-mass allometry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(39):15829-15834, September 25. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1212883109 |
R | 384 | 2012 | (J. E. Cohen, M. J. Plank, R. M. Law) Taylor's law and body size in exploited marine ecosystems. Ecology and Evolution 2(12):3168-3178. DOI:10.1002/ece3.418 |
R | 385 | 2013 | (J. E. Cohen, Meng Xu, William S. F. Schuster) Stochastic multiplicative population growth predicts and interprets Taylor’s power law of fluctuation scaling. Proceedings of the Royal Society series B 280(1757):20122955. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2012.2955 |
R | 386 | 2013 | Generalized minimax and maximin inequalities for order statistics and quantile functions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 141(7):2515-2517, July. DOI: |
R | 387 | 2013 | Chebyshev and Grüss inequalities for real rectangular matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications 447:133-138, April 15. |
R | 388 | 2013 | Taylor's power law of fluctuation scaling and the growth-rate theorem. Theoretical Population Biology 88:94-100. |
R | 389 | 2013 | (J. E. Cohen, Meng Xu, Helge Brunborg) Taylor's law applies to spatial variation in a human population. Genus 69(1):25-60. DOI: 10.4402/genus-491 |
R | 390 | 2014 | Taylor's law and abrupt biotic change in a smoothly changing environment. Theoretical Ecology 7(1):77-86. DOI: 10.1007/s12080-013-0199-z. Recommended in F1000Prime 2013-10-14, DOI: 10.3410/f.718120481.793484437 |
B | 391 | 2013 | Demografiction. In: Secrets of Inferno, in the Footsteps of Dante and Dan Brown, pp. 122-126, ed. Dan Burstein, Arne de Keijzer. Stamford, CT: Story Plant, 2013. |
R | 392 | 2014 | (Stephen Seligman, J. E. Cohen, Yuval Itan, Jean-Laurent Casanova, John Pezzullo) Defining risk groups to yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease in the absence of denominator data. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 90(2):267-271. DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.13-0542 |
R | 393 | 2014 | (J. E. Cohen, Christian Mulder) Soil invertebrates, chemistry, weather, human management, and edaphic food webs at 135 sites in The Netherlands: SIZEWEB. Data Paper, Ecological Archives E095-051-D1. Ecology 95:579. |
R | 394 | 2014 | Stochastic population dynamics in a Markovian environment implies Taylor's power law of fluctuation scaling. Theoretical Population Biology 93:30-37. DOI:10.1016/j.tpb.2014.01.001 |
B | 395 | 2014 | The case for more babies. Book review: What to Expect When No One's Expecting: America's Coming Demographic Disaster, by Jonathan V. Last. New York Review of Books 61(7):57-58, April 24, 2014. Letter: reply to Dan Stroock, Too many Earthlings? New York Review of Books 61(9):46, May 22. |
R | 396 | 2014 | Is the fraction of people ever born who are now alive rising or falling? Demographic Research 30(56):1561-1570. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.56 |
R | 397 | 2014 | (Ricardo E. Gürtler, María C. Cecere, Gonzalo M. Vázquez-Prokopec, Leonardo A. Ceballos, Juan M. Gurevitz, María del Pilar Fernández, Uriel Kitron, J. E. Cohen) Domestic animal hosts strongly influence human-feeding rates of the Chagas disease vector Triatoma infestans in Argentina. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(5):e2894. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002894 |
R | 398 | 2014 | (Jiang Jiang, Donald L. DeAngelis, Bo Zhang, J. E. Cohen) Population age and initial density in a patchy environment affect the occurrence of abrupt transitions in a birth-and-death model of Taylor’s law. Ecological Modelling 289:59–65. |
R | 399 | 2014 | (Ricardo E. Gürtler, María C. Cecere, María del Pilar Fernández, Gonzalo M. Vazquez-Prokopec, Leonardo A. Ceballos, Juan M. Gurevitz, Uriel Kitron, J. E. Cohen) Key source habitats and potential dispersal of Triatoma infestans populations in northwestern Argentina: implications for vector control. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(10):e3238. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003238 |
R | 400 | 2014 | Cauchy inequalities for the spectral radius of products of diagonal and nonnegative matrices. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 142(11):3665-3674, November. S 0002-9939(2014)12119-8. |
R | 401 | 2015 | (Masami Fujiwara, J. E. Cohen) Mean and variance of population density and temporal Taylor's law in stochastic stage-structured density-dependent models of exploited fish populations. Theoretical Ecology 8(2):175-186, May. DOI:10.1007/s12080-014-0242-8 |
E | 402 | 2014 | (Kamal Ahmad, J. E. Cohen) Secondary schools' primary importance. Project Syndicate December 18, 2014. |
R | 403 | 2015 | (Clément Lagrue, Robert Poulin, J. E. Cohen) Parasitism alters 3 power laws of scaling in a metazoan community: Taylor's law, density-mass allometry, and variance-mass allometry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(6):1791-1796. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1422475112 |
R | 404 | 2015 | (Meng Xu, William S. F. Schuster, J. E. Cohen) Robustness of Taylor's law under spatial hierarchical groupings of forest tree samples. Population Ecology 57(1):93-103. DOI: 10.1007/s10144-014-0463-0 |
R | 405 | 2015 | Markov's inequality and Chebyshev's inequality for tail probabilities: a sharper image. The American Statistician 69(1):5-7. |
R | 406 | 2015 | (J. E. Cohen, Meng Xu) Random sampling of skewed distributions implies Taylor's power law of fluctuation scaling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(25):7749–7754. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1503824112 |
R | 407 | 2015 | (Andrea Giometto, Marco Formentin, Andrea Rinaldo, J. E. Cohen, Amos Maritan) Sample and population exponents of generalized Taylor's law. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(25):7755-7760. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1505882112 |
R | 408 | 2015 | (J. E. Cohen, Meng Xu) Reply to Chen: Under specified assumptions, adequate random samples of skewed distributions obey Taylor’s law. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(25):7749-7754. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1503824112 |
E | 409 | 2015 | Mathematical population biologist. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences 68(3):66-67, Spring. |
R | 410 | 2015 | (Thomas F. Döring, Samuel Knapp, J. E. Cohen) Taylor’s power law and the stability of crop yields. Field Crops Research 183:294–302. |
R | 411 | 2015 | (Christina Bohk, Roland Rau, J. E. Cohen) Taylor’s power law in human mortality. Demographic Research 33(21):589–610, September 17. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2015.33.21. |
R | 412 | 2016 | (Michael K. Tippett, J. E. Cohen) Tornado outbreak variability follows Taylor’s power law of fluctuation scaling and increases dramatically with severity. Nature Communications 7:10668. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10668 |
R | 413 | 2016 | (J. E. Cohen, Jiangshan Lai, David A. Coomes, Robert B. Allen) Taylor's law and related allometric power laws in New Zealand mountain beech forests: the roles of space, time, and environment. Oikos 125(9):1342-1357. DOI:10.1111/oik.02622 |
R | 414 | 2016 | (Richard McGarvey, Natalie Dowling, J. E. Cohen) Longer food chains in pelagic ecosystems: trophic energetics of animal body size and metabolic efficiency. American Naturalist 188(1):76-86, July. DOI: 10.1086/686880 |
R | 415 | 2016 | Statistics of primes (and probably twin primes) satisfy Taylor's law from ecology. American Statistician 70(4):399-404. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2016.1173591 |
R | 416 | 2016 | (Michael K. Tippett, Chiara Lepore, J. E. Cohen) More tornadoes in the most extreme U.S. tornado outbreaks. Science 354(6318):1419-1423. DOI: 10.1126/science.aah7393 |
R | 417 | 2016 | (J. E. Cohen, Takashi Saitoh) Population dynamics, synchrony, and environmental quality of Hokkaido voles lead to temporal and spatial Taylor's laws. Ecology 97(12):3402-3413, Dec. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1575 |
R | 418 | 2016 | (J. E. Cohen, Robert Poulin, Clément Lagrue) Linking parasite populations in hosts to parasite populations in space through Taylor's law and the negative binomial distribution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(1):E47-E56, Dec. 19. |
R | 419 | 2017 | (Meng Xu, Jeppe Kolding, J. E. Cohen) Taylor’s power law and fixed precision sampling: application to abundance of fish sampled by gillnets in an African lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74(1):87–100. |
R | 420 | 2017 | (Meng Xu, Helge Brunborg, J. E. Cohen) Evaluating multi-regional population projections with Taylor's law of mean-variance scaling and its generalization. Journal of Population Research 34(1):79-99. DOI 10.1007/s12546-016-9181-0 |
R | 421 | 2017 | (J. E. Cohen, Daniel Courgeau) Modeling distances between humans using Taylor's law and geometric probability. Mathematical Population Studies 24(4):197-218. DOI: 10.1080/08898480.2017.1289049 |
R | 422 | 2017 | (Daniel C. Reuman, Lei Zhao, Lawrence W. Sheppard, Philip C. Reid, J. E. Cohen) Synchrony affects Taylor’s law in theory and data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(26):6788-6793, June. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1703593114. |
E | 423 | 2017 | La «capacité humaine» de la Terre. Fécondité: un enjeu pour la planète? Revue Projet (Society of Jesus, France) 359:78-83, June-July. |
E | 423a | 2017 | How many people can the Earth support? Journal of Population and Sustainability 2(1):37-42. |
R | 424 | 2017 | (Mark Brown, J. E. Cohen) Squared coefficient of variation of Taylor's law for random absolute differences. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 1–12. DOI: 10.1017/S0269964817000304 |
R | 425 | 2017 | (Mark Brown, J. E. Cohen, Victor de la Peña) Taylor’s law, via ratios, for some distributions with infinite mean. Journal of Applied Probability 54(3):657-669, September. DOI: 10.1017/jpr.2017.25 |
R | 426 | 2017 | (J. E. Cohen, Lucía Rodríguez-Planes, María S. Gaspe, María C. Cecere, Marta V. Cardinal, Ricardo E. Gürtler) Chagas disease vector control and Taylor's law. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11(11):e0006092, November. |
R | 427 | 2017 | (Ricardo E. Gürtler, María del Pilar Fernández, María Carla Cecere, J. E. Cohen) Body size and hosts of Triatoma infestans populations affect the size of bloodmeal contents and female fecundity in rural northwestern Argentina. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11(12):e0006097, December. |
R | 428 | 2018 | (Richard McGarvey, Natalie Dowling, J. E. Cohen) Two processes regulating trophic energy flow in pelagic and terrestrial ecosystems: trophic efficiency and body size-dependent biomass production (a reply to Giacomini). American Naturalist 191(3):364-367, March. DOI: 10.1086/695847 |
R | 429 | 2018 | (Joel E. Cohen, Christina Bohk-Ewald, Roland Rau) Gompertz, Makeham, and Siler models explain Taylor's law in human mortality data. Demographic Research 38(29):773-842, March. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2018.38.29 Editor's Choice |
R | 430 | 2018 | (J. E. Cohen, Christina Bohk-Ewald, Roland Rau) Why does Taylor's law in human mortality data have slope less than 2, contrary to the Gompertz model? Demographic Research August., |
R | 431 | 2018 | (Takashi Saitoh, J. E. Cohen) Environmental variability and density dependence in the temporal Taylor's law. Ecological Modeling 387:134-143. |
R | 432 | 2018 | (R. A. Desharnais, D. C. Reuman, R. F. Costantino, J. E. Cohen) Temporal scale of environmental correlations affects ecological synchrony. Ecology Letters 21:1800-1811. doi: 10.1111/ele.13155 |
E | 433 | 2018 | (Vegard Skirbekk, Ursula Staudinger, J. E. Cohen) How to measure population aging? The answer is less than obvious. Gerontology 65:136–144, December. |
R | 434 | 2018 | (Meng Xu, Jeppe Kolding, J. E. Cohen) Sequential analysis of fixed-precision sampling of Lake Kariba fishes using Taylor's law. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(6): 904-917. DOI: |
R | 420a | 2018 | (J. E. Cohen, Helge Brunborg, Meng Xu) (J. E. Cohen, Helge Brunborg, Meng Xu) Can Taylor's law of fluctuation scaling and its relatives help demographers select more plausible multi-regional population forecasts? Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 16:15-23. DOI: 10.1553/populationyearbook2018s015 |
R | 435 | 2019 | Sum of a random number of correlated random variables that depend on the number of summands. The American Statistician 73(1):56–60. Correction 2020 by J. E. Cohen and Philip Turk, The American Statistician 74(2):212, DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2019.1708461. |
R | 436 | 2019 | (Guy J. Abel, J. E. Cohen) Bilateral international migration flow estimates for 200 countries. Scientific Data 6(82):1-13. |
B | 437 | 2019 | Cities and climate change: a review essay. Population and Development Review 45(2): 425–443, June. |
E | 438 | 2019 | (J. E. Cohen, Heinrich zu Dohna, Ricardo E. Gürtler) Peer review report for: Insights from quantitative and mathematical modelling on the proposed WHO 2030 goals for Chagas disease [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. Gates Open Research, 3:1539. |
R | 439 | 2019 | Every variance function, including Taylor's power law of fluctuation scaling, can be produced by any location-scale family of distributions with positive mean and variance. Theoretical Ecology 13(1):1-5. doi: 10.1007/s12080-019-00445-7; correction 2022 Theoretical Ecology 15:93-94. doi: 10.1007/s12080-019-00445-7
R | 440 | 2019 | (Meng Xu, J. E. Cohen) Analyzing and interpreting spatial and temporal variability of US county population distributions using Taylor's law. PLoS ONE 14(12):e0226096. |
R | 441 | 2020 |
(Michael K. Tippett, J. E. Cohen) Seasonality of Taylor's law of fluctuation scaling in all-India daily rainfall. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 3:3. |
R | 442 | 2020 | "Population, population, and population": Review of Eric R. Pianka and Laurie J. Vitt, Our One and Only Spaceship: Denial, Delusion, and the Population Crisis. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 00(00):e01694. |
R | 443 | 2020 |
Species-abundance distributions and Taylor's power law of fluctuation scaling. Theoretical Ecology 13(4):607–614. DOI 10.1007/s12080-020-00470-x. |
R | 444 | 2020 |
(Lee Altenberg, J. E. Cohen) Nonconcavity of the spectral radius in Levinger's theorem. Linear Algebra and its Applications 606:201-218. |
E | 445 | 2020 |
How to count humans. Project Syndicate August 13. |
R | 446 | 2020 |
Robin Guilhot, Simon Fellous, J. E. Cohen) Yeast facilitates the multiplication of Drosophila bacterial symbionts but has no effect on the form or parameters of Taylor’s law. PLoS ONE 15(11):e0242692. |
R | 447 | 2020 |
(J. E. Cohen, Richard A. Davis, Gennady Samorodnitsky) Heavy-tailed distributions, correlations, kurtosis, and Taylor’s law of fluctuation scaling. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476:20200610. |
R | 448 | 2021 | (Meng Xu, J. E. Cohen) Spatial and temporal autocorrelations affect Taylor's law for US county populations: descriptive and predictive models. PLoS ONE 16(1):e0245062. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0245062 |
E | 449 | 2021 | (J. E. Cohen, Joseph Chamie) Slower population growth: the goods and the bads. Inter Press Service News Agency 2021-05-31 |
E | 449a | 2021 | (J. E. Cohen, Joseph Chamie) Slower population growth signals successes and benefits. News International Union for the Scientific Study of Population N-IUSSP 2021-09-02 |
R | 450 | 2021 | Measuring the concentration of urban population in the negative exponential model using the Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient, Hoover dissimilarity index, and relative entropy. Demographic Research 44(49):1165-1184, June.DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2021.44.49 |
R | 451 | 2021 | (Mark Brown, J. E. Cohen) Markov's inequality: sharpness, renewal theory, finite samples, reliability theory. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods online ahead of print 2021-09-21; printed 2023 52(11):3652-3660 |
R | 452 | 2021 |
(Ricardo E. Gürtler, J. E. Cohen) Invasive axis deer and wild boar in a protected area in Argentina, controlled hunting, and Taylor's law. Wildlife Research (CSIRO Australia) online early 2021-10-15 |
R | 453 | 2021 | (Mark Brown, J. E. Cohen, Chuan-Fa Tang, Sheung Chi Phillip Yam) Taylor’s law of fluctuation scaling for semivariances and higher moments of heavy-tailed data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.118(46):e2108031118 online early 2021-11-12 |
R | 454 | 2022 |
(Hui Xu, J. E. Cohen, Richard Davis, Gennady Samorodnitsky) Cauchy, normal and correlations versus heavy tails. Statistics and Probability Letters 186:109489 |
R | 455 | 2022 | (Guy J. Abel, J. E. Cohen) Bilateral international migration flow estimates updated and refined by sex. Scientific Data |
R | 456 | 2022 | (Yang Yang, Han Lin Shang, J. E. Cohen) Temporal and spatial Taylor’s law: application to Japanese subnational mortality rates. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A (Statistics in Society), 185(4):1979-2006. Supplement. |
R | 457 | 2022 |
(J. E. Cohen, Thierry E. Huillet) Taylor’s law for some infinitely divisible probability distributions from population models. Journal of Statistical Physics 188:33,
R | 458 | 2022 | (J. E. Cohen, Richard A. Davis, Gennady Samorodnitsky) COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States follow Taylor’s law for heavy-tailed distributions with infinite variance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (38) e2209234119, September 12. |
R | 459 | 2022 | Variance functions of asymptotically exponentially increasing integer sequences go beyond Taylor's law. Journal of Integer Sequences 25, Article 22.9.3, November 8. |
R | 460 | 2022 | Multiplicative inequalities for primes and the prime counting function. Integers 22, #A106, November 30. |
B | 461 | 2023 | Foreword to: Joseph Chamie, Population Levels, Trends, and Differentials--More Important Population Matters. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands |
R | 462 | 2023 | (Ricardo E. Gürtler, Sebastián A. Ballari, Aristóbulo A. Maranta, J. E.Cohen) Controlling the abundance of invasive exotic ungulates improves palm-tree conservation in north-eastern Argentina. European Journal of Wildlife Research 69(40):1-15. |
E | 463 | 2023 | (J. E. Cohen, John E. Rogers) Financing childhood growth. Project Syndicate, |
R | 464 | 2023 | Generalizations of Bertrand’s postulate to sums of any number of primes. Mathematics Magazine 96(4):428-432 arXiv:2305.03821v1 [math.NT] Fri, 5 May 2023 19:54:45 UTC |
R | 465 | 2024 | First-passage times for random partial sums: Yadrenko's model for e and beyond. The American Statistician 78(1):111-114 |
R | 466 | 2023 | (Samuel Carpenter, Scout Callens, Clark Brown, Joel E. Cohen, Benjamin Z. Webb) Taylor’s law for an exponential metapopulation model with internal migration. Theoretical Population Biology 154:118-125 |
R | 467 | 2023 |
Integer sequences with regularly varying counting functions have power-law variance functions. Integers 23:A87, 1-19 |
R | 468 | 2024 |
(Takashi Saitoh, J. E. Cohen) Quantifying factors that explain the slopes of the temporal Taylor’s law of Hokkaido vole populations. Population Ecology 66(3):125-142 Supporting information 1. Supporting information 2. “Editor’s Choice” |
E | 469 | 2024 | Can Earth support 4 billion people sustainably and well? N-IUSSP International Union for the Scientific Study of Population Online News Magazine |
R | 470 | 2024 | (Uri Sela, Joel M. Corrêa da Rosa, Vincent A. Fischetti, J. E. Cohen) Quantifying how much host, pathogen, and other factors affect human protective adaptive immune responses. Frontiers in Immunology, section Microbial Immunology15:1330253, pp.1-9.doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1330253 |
R | 471 | 2024 |
(J. E. Cohen, Charles M. Newman) May’s so-called “paradox” of diversity and stability is neither a mathematical theorem nor an ecological paradox. Science 383 (6688):eLetters(1), May 20. |
R | 472 | 2024 |
(Ricardo E. Gürtler, Gabriela Nicosia, Aldo F. Delaloye, Aristóbulo A. Maranta, María C. Li Puma, J. E. Cohen) Taylor’s law and quasi-experimental hunting of invasive wild boar and axis deer in a protected area of northeastern Argentina. Wildlife Research 51:WR23127 |
R | 473 | 2024 |
Gaps between consecutive primes and the exponential distribution. Experimental Mathematics 2024-06-22 arXiv:2405.16019v2 2024-06-12 |
R | 474 | 2024 |
(Camila M. Villasante, Xinyue Deng, J. E. Cohen, A. J. Hudspeth) Nanomechanics of wild-type and mutant dimers of the tip-link protein protocadherin 15. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.121(40):e2404829121 (pages 1-10) bioRxiv 2023-10-19 |
E | 475 | 2024 |
Population and climate change: global overview. In: Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Society, 2d ed., Steven R. Brechin, editor. Routledge, New York. Pages 99-112. |
R | 476 | 2025 |
(Max R. Glines, Renata C. H. Amancio, Mikkel René Andersen, Helen Baulch, Ludmila S. Brighenti, Hannah E. Chmiel, J. E. Cohen, Elvira de Eyto, Oxana Erina, Heidrun Feuchtmayr, Giovanna Flaim, Andrea Giudici, David P. Hamilton, Yannick Huot, Michael R. Kelly, Seán Kelly, Alo Laas, Christopher McBride, Camille Minaudo, Jose Fernandes Bezerra Neto, Katy Nugent, César Ordóñez, Marie-Elodie Perga, Brian Reid, Caren Scott, Peter A. U. Staehr, Denise Tonetta, Danielle Wain, Nicole K. Ward, Kevin C. Rose) Coefficients in Taylor’s law increase with the timescale of water clarity measurements in global suite of lakes. Ecology Letters 27:e14451, 14 pages. |
Last Updated January 30, 2025 |
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