Joel E. Cohen

AUDIO-VIDEO PRESENTATIONS     Publications     Vita

Selected Lectures and Interviews On-line

L = lecture, I = interview, A = audio, S = slides, V = video

I A 1996 Conversation with Harold Hudson Channer on How Many People Can the Earth Support? Air date: 04-22-96
I A 2003 National Academy of Sciences InterViews Joel Cohen, applied mathematics and population biology. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
L V,S 2005 United States Geological Survey Western Region Colloquium. Human Population Trends, Human Carrying Capacity and Sustainability. August 15, 2005.
I V,S 2005 Scientific American and Columbia Earth Institute. Panel I Q&A (at 13.49 minutes into video, question from Andrew Revkin is addressed by JEC). Thursday, October 20, 2005.
L S 2008 Does one size fit all? SIZEMIC workshop on body size and ecosystem dynamics. Clare College Cambridge, UK, April 5.
L V 2008 Center for Global Development Presents: Demographics and Development in the 21st Century. Beyond Population: Everybody Counts in Development. September 23, 2008.
I V 2008 The Rockefeller University Newswire: New formula predicts how people will migrate in coming decades. September 29, 2008.
I V 2008 U.S. National Science Foundation video press release 08-197. Joel E. Cohen discusses his work on developing math models to predict human migration patterns.
L V 2008 Population and climate change. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, PA, November.
I A 2009 Earthsky Interviews: Joel Cohen does the math on human migration worldwide. January 4.
L V 2009 Human population to 2050: problems and opportunities. Collège de France, Paris, France, June.
I V 2009 Population, education, and the world's future (with Wolfgang Lutz). Population Reference Bureau, Washington, DC, October 23.
I V 2009 26th IUSSP International Population Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, September 27-October 2.
I V 2010 Bigthink interview: Joel Cohen, Mathematical Biologist, Rockefeller University.
L V 2010 First annual Malthus Lecture, Population Reference Bureau and International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC.
I V 2010 How many people can the Earth support? Environmental Change & Security Program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC. November 22, 2010.  
I V 2010 Education as a means to addressing rapid population growth and aging. Environmental Change & Security Program of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC. November 22, 2010.
I A 2010 Early adapters: how our planet can cope with billions more people. Are We Alone? Science radio for thinking species, December 6, 2010.
I V 2010 Too few or too many? Joel E. Cohen on how education can address both. The New Security Beat seeking a sustainable future for a lasting peace. December 17, 2010.
I V 2011 Andrew C. Revkin, 7 Billion and Counting. Dot Earth. New York Times, January 8, 2011.
L text 2011 Joel Cohen: Necesitamos tener conversaciones y diálogos acerca de nuestras metas educativas [We need to have conversations and dialogues about our educational goals]. Encuentro dialogos pensando la educación para enriquecer nuestras prácticas, México D.F., 2-3 March 2011.
L V 2011 The World at 7 Billion: Sustaining our Future, Earth Institute, Columbia University, October 21, 2011. Also available via 
I V 2011 Seven billion people, three different worlds. October 29, 2011. CBS Evening News. The Evening News with Russ Mitchell. 
I V 2011 World population: Seven billion and counting. CBS Morning News. The Early Show with Mo Rocca. 
I V 2011 7 billion people. Lang and O’Leary Show, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, October 31, 2011. 
I A 2011 Joel Cohen: Top 10 key population trends on Earth with 7 billion. EarthSky. October 30, 2011. 
I A 2011 Seven-billionth baby will be born today. The Bob Rivers Show, 95.7 KJR FM, Clear Channel Seattle, October 31, 2011. 
I A 2011 Interview and listener questions. Brian Lehrer Show, WNYC, New York. November 4, 2011, 11:06-11:24. 93.9 FM and AM 820. 
L V 2011 Malthus Miffed: Are People the Problem, the Solution, or Both? An Introduction to Demography and Populations Study Through an Examination of the World's Population. Floating University and Big Think. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)  


I A 2012 Interview and listener questions. The Leonard Lopate Show, Please Explain: How to Save the World—Population Growth and Control. WNYC
L V 2012 Keynote Address: Feathering Our Nest or Fouling Our Nest? Challenges and Opportunities of Coming Human Population Changes. Ecosystem Services: Charting a Path to Sustainability. National Academies Press, Washington, DC.  (CD with book)
I A 2013 NSF Webcasts & Interviews: NSF-Funded Rockefeller University Mathematical Biologist Joel Cohen Discusses Human Migration Patterns.
 L  V  2013  Is a limit to length of human life imminent? American Philosophical Society, November 15.
L V 2015

Human population. Planning for the seventh generation. Harvard-Radcliffe Class of 1965 50th Reunion, Sanders Theater, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, May 27. /cohenje/assets/file/2015052720150926Harvard50th.mp4

I V 2015 Golden Goose Award 2015, Washington DC, September 17.
L V 2016 Are there imminent limits to life length? How should population aging be measured? Chronic Disease Seminar, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, February 18.
L V 2016 The use of Taylor's law to evaluate alternative multiregional population projections ex ante, Wittgenstein Centre Conference, Vienna Institute of Demography, December 6.
L V 2017 The variation is the theme: Taylor's law from Chagas disease vector control to tornado outbreaks. Mathematical Bioscience Institute National Mathematical Biology Colloquium, February 15.
I V 2017

There have been 27 tornado-related deaths in 2017 so far ­that’s more than all of 2016 as a whole. NowThis, April 20.   


I V 2017 Tornado outbreaks. The Academic Minute, WAMC-NPR, February 24.
I A 2017 Post-truth food. The Food Chain. BBC World Service, February 25. Minutes 14:15-17:23.
V 2018 More people, more problems? 1A, NPR, WAMU 88.5. January 3.
L V 2018

Life time: the meanings and limits of age. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, February 6. 1 hour, 13 minutes.

L V 2018 Global insights, local strategies: the outlook for children in the 21st century. Rockefeller University Parents and Science, February 28. 1 hour 15 seconds.
L V 2019 Hunger does not pay. Demography Today. BBVA Foundation, Madrid, Spain, March 11. 52 minutes, 38 seconds. Also at:
L S 2019 Human Population Dynamics intensive course, Environmental Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba I, Japan, June 22. The past
L S 2019 Human Population Dynamics intensive course, Environmental Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba I, Japan, June 29. The future
L S 2019

Human Population Dynamics intensive course, Environmental Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba I, Japan, July 7. Part 1 Human carrying capacity; Part 2 accounting for hunger

L S 2019 Mathematical Demography and Mathematical Biology Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Tokyo, Komaba I, Japan, July 1. Taylor's law of fluctuation scaling
L S 2019

Environmental Sciences Seminar in Ecology and Evolution, University of Tokyo, Komaba I, Japan, July 3. Is the concept of human carrying capacity useful for understanding why so many people are chronically hungry?

L S 2019 International Workshop on Data Science, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China, July 10. Taylor's law of fluctuation scaling
L V 2020 Tornadoes, infectious diseases, human death rates, fish, and prime numbers: Taylor's law of fluctuation scaling for variances, semivariances, and higher moments. IBM Research Distinguished Speaker Series.
I V 2020 Sustain what? How many billions can a heating, pandemic-wrapped planet support? Columbia University Earth Institute Live. and
L V 2021 COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States. Taylor's Law of fluctuation scaling, and heavy tails. ECODEP Project, Paris, France 2021-09-17.
L V 2021
COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United: Taylor's law in a plague year. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, International Population Conference, Hyderabad, India. Session 87, Communicable Diseases in the Americas, 2021-12-07.
L V 2021
Measuring the concentration of urban population in the negative exponential model using the Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient, Hoover dissimilarity index, & relative entropy. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, International Population Conference, Hyderabad, India, Session 83, Data and Methods: A Medley of Perspectives, 2021-12-07.
L V 2022
Fluctuation scaling or Taylor's law of heavy-tailed data, illustrated by U.S. COVID-19 cases & deaths. Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard University, New York, 2022-03-23.
L V 2022 Fluctuation scaling or Taylor's law of heavy-tailed data, illustrated by U.S. COVID-19 cases & deaths. Applied Probability Seminar, Columbia University, New York, 2022-03-24.
L V 2022 2022 National Education Equity Lab student update of 2011 video Malthus Miffed: Are People the Problem, the Solution, or Both? An Introduction to Demography and Populations Study Through an Examination of the World's Population
L V 2022

2022 National Education Equity Lab student update of 2011 video Malthus Miffed: Are People the Problem, the Solution, or Both? An Introduction to Demography and Populations Study Through an Examination of the World's Population with JEC reactions and commentary

L I 2022
Interview for 2022 National Education Equity Lab student update
L S 2022
Why are so many people, especially children, chronically hungry? Defining Issues of Our Time, Harvard-Radcliffe Class of 1965 55th Reunion, Boston, MA 3033-05-14
L S 2022
Infinite variance of U.S. COVID-19 cases and deaths, and Taylor's law of heavy-tailed data. Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Workshop on Quantitative Human Ecology, Trieste 2022-07-28
L S 2022
Human populations and sustainable development. Environmental Science for Sustainable Development, School of International & Public Affairs, Columbia University, NY 2022-10-25
L V, S 2023
Background of the debate. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population Debate: "The population of humans that can be supported sustainably on the planet at a reasonable standard of living is below 4 billion." Yes or No. 2023-10-18.  Video at 7 minutes 22 seconds to 15 minutes 46 seconds:  Slides followed by transcript:
L S 2024
Ecology & prevention of Chagas disease in northwest Argentina. Chagas Disease Clinical and Translational Research Workgroup, Clinical Directors Network, New York 2024-01-08
L V 2024 Prime numbers, variance functions, beetle larvae, aphids, and tornadoes: research in mathematical population biology leads to unexpected applications. Society for Modeling and Theory in Population Biology, Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, Banff, Alberta, Canada 2024-01-23 
L S 2024 Birth, death, and migration meet politics in the United States. The Group, University of Chicago, 2024-10-16.


 Last updated: October 18, 2024


AUDIO-VIDEO PRESENTATIONS     Publications    Vita


AUDIO-VIDEO PRESENTATIONS     Publications     VitaSelected Lectures and Interviews On-lineL = lecture, I = interview, A = audio, S = slides, V = videoI