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Joel Butterwick

B.S. University of Alberta, Canada

Ph.D. Columbia University


 Joel Butterwick



Membrane electrical excitability is a form of cellular communication that underlies many physiological processes including impulse propagation by neurons, muscle contraction, egg fertilization by sperm, and the release of neurotransmitters and hormones. Voltage-dependent ion channels are key molecules in detecting and transmitting electrical signals at the cell surface.


Over the past several years, I have been investigating the structure, dynamics and phospholipid interactions of voltage-dependent ion channels using a combination of solution and solid-state NMR techniques. I have determined the structure of the voltage-sensor domain from KvAP, a voltage-gated potassium-selective ion channel from Aeropyrum pernix, in phospholipid micelles (1). In addition, I was able to visualize the protein-lipid interface and determine how bilayer-forming lipids interact with this domain. More recently, I have been characterizing a eukaryotic voltage-gated ion channel to determine its structure and gating mechanism using NMR.



Figure 1. KvAP VSD in D7PC micelles.
(a) 1H–15N HSQC spectrum of 0.5 mM 15N KvAP VSD (21.1 T, 45 ºC).
(b) a-Carbon traces of the 20 lowest-energy structures are superimposed (grey, a-helices; red, loops).
The first seven residues are unconstrained (and unstructured in the ensemble) and have been removed for clarity.




Figure 2. VSD–phospholipid interactions. (a) NOE crosspeaks to water and D7PC are mapped onto the solution structure of the VSD. (b) Histogram of NOEs to S1–S4 as a function of distance from the center of the VSD. The color coding is as follows: blue, water; green, choline headgroup; orange, glycerol backbone; red first two acyl chain positions; magenta, last four acyl chain positions (diagrammed at right).

B.S. University of Alberta, CanadaPh.D. Columbia University    Membrane electrical excitability is a form of cellular communication that underlies many physiologica